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Acta Electronica Sinica
2011 Issue 12
Behavioral Compatibility Analysis and Optimal Control Policy in Web Services Composition
BI Jing;ZHU Zhi-liang;FAN Yu-shun
A Three-Stage Motion Compensation Method for Small Size Airborne Low Frequency UWB SAR
AN Dao-xiang;HUANG Xiao-tao;ZHOU Zhi-min
An Efficient Algorithm for Compressed Sensing Image Reconstruction
LI Zhi-lin;CHEN Hou-jin;LI Ju-peng;YAO Chang;YANG Na
Clutter Suppression Method for Airborne Bistatic Radar with Range Ambiguity Based on Maximum Likelihood Estimation
ZHANG Bai-hua;XIE Wen-chong;WANG Yong-liang;ZHANG Yong-shun
System Analysis on Space Debris Surveillance Using General Survey Radar
MA Lin;XIAO Wen-shu
Research Progress of VANETs Routing Protocol
YU Hai-ning;ZHANG Hong-li
A New Calibration Method of Phased Array Antennas
SHEN Wen-liang;YANG Zhong;CHEN Jian-feng;LI Yan-bin
Brain Image Segmentation and Bias Field Correction Model Based on Parametric Mutual Information and Fast Algorithm
ZHAN Tian-ming;ZHANG Jun;WEI Zhi-hui;XIAO Liang;SUN Yu-bao
Game-Theoretic Analysis for the Secret Sharing Scheme
TIAN You-liang;MA Jian-feng;PENG Chang-gen;JI Wen-jiang
Direct Data Domain Approach with Space-Time Adasptive Processing for Arbitrary Linear Array
YANG Zhi-wei;HE Shun;LIAO Gui-sheng;OUYANG Shan
Spectral Clustering Ensemble Applied to SAR Image Segmentation Using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
DENG Xiao-zheng;JIAO Li-cheng;LU Shan
A Pre-Execution Mechanism Based on Value Prediction and Instruction Reuse for In-Order Processors
DANG Xiang-lei;WANG Xiao-yin;TONG Dong;LU Jun-lin;YI Jiang-fang;WANG Ke-yi
Sparse Dictionary Leaming Based on Optimization of Surrogate Function
GAO Lei;CHEN Zeng-ping
The 4-Error Linear Complexity of Binary Periodic Sequences
PI Fei;QI Wen-feng
A Registration Method for Blur Deformation Image Based on Orthogonal Legendre Moment
ZUO Xin;DAI Xiu-bin;ZHANG Hui;LUO Li-min;SHU Hua-zhong
Design of High-Speed Digital Correlator in Fully Polarimetric Microwave Radiometer
LU Hao;WANG Zhen-zhan;LIU Jing-yi;JIANG Jing-shan
Study on Memory Race Recording Mechanism in Deterministic Multi-Core Replay
ZHU Su-xia;JI Zhen-zhou;LIU Tao;WANG Qing;ZHANG Hao
Intrusion Detection Alert Correlation Based on Choquet Fuzzy Integral
Nurbol;CHAI Sheng;LI Hong-wei;HU Liang
Coherent Processing Technique of Passive Radar Based on Multi-Frequency Signals
LI Jun;LIU Hong-ming;HE Zi-shu;HU Shu-hui;WANG Bo;LI Hui-yong
Modeling and Simulating Subjective Trust in MANETs
WANG Jian;LIU Yan-heng;ZHANG Jing;LIU Xue-lian
Cramer-Rao Bounds of Key Parameters Estimation for Galileo SAR Signal
WANG Kun;WU Si-liang;TIAN Jing
Cryptanalysis and Improvement of an Identity-Based Multi-Signcryption Scheme
ZHANG Qiu-pu;YE Ding-feng
An Integrity Check Method for Fine-Grained Data Based on Finite Projective Geometry
CHEN Long;LOU Xiao-hui;WANG Guo-yin
Parameter Estimation of 3D Scattering Centers Based on CP-GTD Model
XU Shao-kun;LIU Ji-hong;WEI Xi-zhang;LI Xiang
ISM: Intent-Perceptible Service Migration Model for IP Network Survivability
ZHAO Er-hu;YANG Xiao-long;XU Jie;LONG Ke-ping;ZHANG Dan
Regularized One-Step Dynamic Image Reconstruction in Magnetic Induction Tomography
L(U) Yi;WANG Xu;JIN Jing-jing;YANG Dan;XUAN Yang
Antenna Location Optimization for Distributed Transmit Antennas in a Multicell Environment
LIU Tian;YANG Lin;HAN Liang;TANG You-xi