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Telecommunication Engineering
2011 Issue 3
A Novel Microstrip Coupled-Line bandpass Filter Based on Koch Island
LI Tian-peng;WANG Guang-ming;HANG Jian-gang
Robust EWSPRT Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Scheme against SSDF Attacks
LIU Quan;GUO Yun-wei;GAO Jun;LIU Si-yong
Design and Implementation of High-speed Serial RapidIO Based on PowerPC
JI Bin;ZHENG Zhi-guo
A New Multi-mode Carrier Recovery Scheme for DTMB Receivers
SONG Hong-mei
Ship-borne Communication Signals Reconnaissance Receiver System
A Low Complexity Time Domain Equalization Method in HF Communications
TANG Lei;ZHANG Zhe;SHEN Liang;CHENG Yun-peng
DoS Attack Detection Based on Relative Entropy Theory
LI Han-qiu;MA Yan;LEI Lei
xin xi ji shu
Improved UWB Decision Feedback ATR Receiver Using Turbo Product Code
A Novel Dual-band Monopole Antenna for ISM and UNNI Bands
ZHOU Cheng;WANG Guang-ming;HANG Jian-gang
Cooperative Multi-hop Broadcast Protocols Using Fountain Codes for Wireless Networks
YU Guo-hai;WANG Cheng-gui;ZHANG Zhe
A Routing Algorithm for Network Coding Multicast Based on Shareable Links
LUO Li;QIN Tuan-fa;LUO Jian-zhong;LIU Jia-feng
A Scheduling Algorithm of Handover System Based on LTE Service Characteristics
LI Xiao-lin;FU Shu;HU Nan
Spectrum Allocation Using Fuzzy Logic for Cognitive Radio Systems
WEN Kai;FU Ling-sheng;FU Xiao-ling
Multi-beam Forming for TDRSS SMA System Forward Link
SHI Wei-hua
Design and Implementation of a Switch Network for Microwave Test System
REN Yu-hui;ANG Zheng-quan
Design of Test Equipment for an Airborne Navigation Computer System
MA Er-tao;YU Tao;XIANG Xin
Validation Test Techniques for Link 16
WEI Li-zhu;PENG Yi;GAO Bin