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Contemporary Linguistics
2016 Issue 1
On the Constituenthood of Numeral-Classifier Combinations in Chinese
HE Chuansheng;Department of English and Literature;College of Foreign Languages;Hunan University;
A Study on the Generation of Verb-object Constructions in Chinese from the Perspective of Generative Holism
REN Ying;Department of Chinese Studies;Kobe City University;
Image Schema and Polysemous Categorization:A Case Study on Chinese Verb Gan
ZHU Yan;Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Peking University;
A Semantic Map for "CHASE"
ZHANG Ding;Institute of Linguistics;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;
A Study on the Database and the Tools for Rhythm Analysis
YU Jue;Dafydd GIBBON;School of Foreign Languages;Tongji University;
The Perceptual Category of Tone1 in Mandarin Chinese
SHI Feng;WANG Ping;RONG Rong;LIANG Lei;Nankai University;Beijing Language and Culture University;
Advances in Distributed Morphology
CHENG Gong;LI Hai;School of International Studies;Zhejiang University;
The New Research Development of the Genetic Relationship of the Austroasiatic Languages
LI Yan;School of Foreign Languages;Shaanxi Normal University;
ren cheng ming ci de ju fa yu yi fen xi ping collins he postal(2012)
chris collins;paul m.posta; an feng ke ; an feng cun ;
zhao ying yu he yu yan she ji ping jie
eric reuland; guo xiu li ;