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Chinese Journal of Radio Science
2015 Issue 4
Integrated analysis for the performance of vehicle antennas covered by stratified plasma
NIU Xue;NIE Zaiping;QUE Xiaofeng;HE Shiquan;School of Electronic Engineering;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Performance of the cluster properties-based secret key generation method
LUAN Fengyu;XIAO Limin;ZHANG Yan;ZHOU Shidong;Department of Electronic Engineering;Tsinghua University;Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology;Tsinghua University;School of Information and Electronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Deduction of second order time-varying parameter in dispersive media
GAO Benqing;School of Information and Electronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;
A low complexity algorithm based on the weighted l1 inimization for DOA estimation
DUAN Suxin;ZHANG Hao;SUN Xiuzhi;ZHENG Chundi;Department of Electronic Engineering;Tsinghua University;China Electronic System Engineering Company;Navy Marines College;
Dual time stepping FVTD method for computation of time-dependent electromagnetic fields
XU Yong;HUANG Yong;ZHOU Zhu;Computational Aerodynamics Institute;China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center;
Analysis for best radar parameter in inversion of evaporation duct above China sea areas
HU Rongxu;WU Zhensen;ZHANG Jinpeng;Xidian University;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation;
On the spatial-temporal correlated MIMO channel model under composite fading
ZHU Qiuming;ZHOU Shengkui;ZHANG Xiaofei;CHEN Xiaomin;XU Dazhuan;LIU Xinglin;Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics;Ministry of Education Nanjing University Aeronaut Astronaut;Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;China Airborne Missile Academy;
Analysis of a surface plasmonic waveguide using parallel finite difference time domain method
YAN Yali;FU Guang;GONG Shuxi;ZHANG Yu;CHEN Xi;National Key Lab of Antennas and Microwave Technology;Xidian Univ;
The simulation and testing analysis on low-frequency magnetic shielding effectiveness of metal materials
WU Yiting;SHENG Weixing;HAN Yubing;MA Xiaofeng;ZHANG Renli;School of Electronic and Optical Engineering;Nanjing University of Science and Technology;
A target extracting method based on decomposition of components for high-resolution radar images
DUAN Jia;WU Yifeng;ZHANG Lei;XING Mengdao;HUANG Darong;WU Min;National Key Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian University;
Signal sets design for MIMO radar via GS algorithm
DU Xiaolin;SU Tao;National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing;Xidian University;
Design of a novel low-profile dual-band and dual circularly polarized planar slot antenna
ZHANG Naman;YANG Feng;YANG Peng;School of Electronic Engineering;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Causes and characteristics analysis of abnormalities in HF backscatter system
LI Jining;LI Xue;YANG Dongsheng;China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation;
Novel microwave imaging system based on direct digital synthesizer
ZHANG Hui;HONG Wei;CHEN Peng;CHEN Jixin;TANG Hongjun;State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Waves;School of Information Science and Engineering;Southeast University;
Dual-band octa-antenna system for laptop computers
GUO Lin;WANG Yan;DU Zhengwei;GAO Yougang;SHI Dan;School of Electronic Engineering of BUPT;China Academy of Telecommunication Research of MIIT;Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology;Department of Electronic Engineering;Tsinghua University;
Attenuation of Terahertz-wave due to cloud and fog
LU Changsheng;WU Zhensen;ZHAO Zhenwei;LIN Leke;ZHANG Xin;LI Haiying;Xidian University;School of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering;National Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Environment;China Research Institute of Radio Wave Propagation;
Design of an S-band wideband circular reflector aperture array used for spatial power combining
XU Gang;SHI Meiyou;QU Jin;HU Jinguang;Science and Technology on High Power Microwave Laboratory;Institute of Applied Electronics;CAEP;
Quantitative analysis via analytic expressions for anti-jamming performance of adaptive array
GAO Yang;XU Jia;JIA Xin;LONG Teng;Department of Optical and Electrical Equipment;Academy of Equipment;School of Information and Electronic;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Time-delay estimation algorithm of discharge signals based on higher-order cumulant and dynamic statistics
FAN Gaohui;LIU Shanghe;LIU Weidong;WEI Ming;HU Xiaofeng;ZHANG Yue;Institute of Electrostatic and Electromagnetic Protection;Ordnance Engineering College;
Single-fed compact circularly polarized antenna based on quarter-mode substrate integrated waveguide
WANG Ni;JIN Cheng;XU Xiaowen;SUN Houjun;School of Information and Electronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;
High-precision fast ray-tracing algorithm used in optical wave refraction error correction system
LIU Yumei;CHEN Xiangming;ZHAO Zhenwei;SUN Fang;China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation;
Investigation of a long-pulse relativistic backward wave oscillator with dual resonant cavities
GE Xingjun;ZHANG Jun;JIN Zhenxing;YANG Jianhua;QIAN Baoliang;ZHONG Huihuang;College of Opto-electric Science and Engineering;National University of Defense Technology;
Broadband wide beam-width circularly polarized microstrip Yagi antenna
YE Xihong;HE Mang;ZHOU Pingyuan;School of Electronics and Information Engineering;Zhonghuan Information College Tianjin University of Technology;School of Information and Electronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;
A statistical study on ionospheric disturbances at middle and low latitude caused by super magnetic storms
SUN Shuji;WANG Baojian;ZHAO Zhenwei;LIU Yumei;CHEN Chun;China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation;
Research on parameter extraction method for GaN HEMTs small signal equivalent circuit model
WEN Zhang;XU Yuehang;XU Ruimin;University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;
Regression analysis of airborne antenna pattern
ZHANG Jianhua;LI Zhenya;Electronic Engineering Institute;
Terahertz transmission attenuation along the atmospheric slant path
WANG Yuwen;FANG Yanyan;DONG Zhiwei;LI Hanyu;Graduate School of CAEP;Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics;Terahertz Research Center;CAEP;
Transmit pattern synthesis of MIMO radar for the angle estimation
HUANG Zhongrui;ZHENG Zhidong;ZHANG Jianyun;Electronic Engineering Institution;Institute of North Electronic Equipment;
Study on the integration technology of phased arrays
LI Yinglin;HE Bingfa;ZHANG Debin;Science and Technology on Antenna and Microwave Laboratory;
Design of a millimeter-wave high power pulsed amplifier
XIAO Yu;ZHAO Guoqiang;SUN Houjun;School of Information and Electronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Mm-wave 60 GHz indoor channel parameters and correlation properties
GENG Suiyan;LIU Shengyao;HONG Wei;ZHAO Xiongwen;Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering;North China Electric Power University;State Key Laboratory of Millimeter Wave;
Antenna coupling between electronic information equipment in flat ground situation
WANG Wei;WANG Xuetian;WANG Wen;SONG Song;LI Mingyou;CHEN Lei;School of Information and Electronics;Beijing Institute of Technology;The Academy of Equipment;PLA;