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Chinese Journal of Radio Science
2008 Issue 5
Backscattering coefficient model and its application in rain rate retrieval
CHEN Ting-di;DOU Xian-kang;XUE Xiang-hui
Electromagnetic simulation of compound target simulator
CHEN Ya-ping
Near-field monostatic microwave imaging of conductor cylinder based on time-domain finite element
LIU Kun;LIAO Cheng;WEI Tao;ZHANG Shuang-wen
Measurement and analysis for laser scattering characteristic of target
ZHANG Han-lu;WU Zhen-sen;CAO Yun-hua;ZHANG Geng
PSD optimization for orthogonal UBSK modulated signal
QI Chen-hao;WU Le-nan
MoM fast calculation of log-period dipole antenna with wide-band and wide-angle response
XIANG Chun-wang;TONG Chuang-ming;DONG Wen-lin;NIU Heng-da;LI Li-guang
Simulation design of a compact filter based on muitilayer left-handed transmission line
ZHANG An-xue;HU Hao;JIANG Yan-sheng;XU Zhuo
A new method for long-term prediction of ionosphere f0F2 and M(3000)F2
XI Di-long;LI Jian-ru;LIU Yu-mei;ZHAO Zhen-wei
A blind DOA estimation algorithm for multiple spread sources
XIONG Wei-zu
Performance of multiuser diversity in a spatial diversity system under MIMO correlated channels
RUI Xian-yi;JIN Rong-bong;GENG Jun-ping
A fast and effective computational method of modeling electromagnetic induction
SUN Xiang-yang;NIE Zai-ping;LI Ai-yong;LUO Xi
Analysis of diffraction field of airborne phased array antennas
GAO Jun;CAO Xiang-yu
Plane antenna arrays with randomly staggered subarrays and its optimal design
HUANG Fei;SHENG Wei-xing;MA Xiao-feng
Planar UWB antenna array fed by microstrip network
CHEN Mei-e;WANG Jun-hong
Modified soft-decision decoding algorithm for multi-antenna system
ZHAO Dong-feng;JIN Xin;LI Dao-ben
Image space reconstruction super-resolution algorithm for passive millimeter wave imaging
ZHENG Xin;YANG Jian-yu;LI Liang-chao;JIANG Zheng-mao
Effects of random changes in ionosphere on OTH radar coordinate registration
ZHOU Chen;ZHAO Zheng-yu
ELF/VLF waves radiated by modulated HF heating ionospheric in mid-latitude and equatorial regions
LI Qing-liang;YANG Ju-tao;YAN Yu-bo;Zhao Yao-jun
Multibaseline InSAR with image auto-coregistration for phase unwrapping
MAO Zhi-jie;LIAO Gui-sheng;LI Hai
Influence of ground inhomogeneity on performance of DF antenna system
JIN Yuan-song;CAI Zhi-yuan;QIN Jin-ping
A novel ISAR jamming method based on rotating angular reflectors
BAI Xue-ru;SUN Guang-cai;ZHOU Feng;XING Meng-dao;BAO Zheng
Analysis of transient electromagnetic scattering from arbitrarily shaped conductor/dielectric composite objects
LI Ying;LIU Feng;ZHOU Dong-ming;REN Meng;HE Jian-guo
Fast hierarchical method for current calculation of dipole antenna
DING Wen;WANG Gao-feng;FAN Qi
Study of Alfven waves propagation in low-latitude IAR
SHI Run;ZHAO Zheng-yu;DENG Feng
Evaluation of adaptive array for satellite navigation receivers
FENG Qi;ZHU Chang;YUAN Nai-chang
Constrained least-squares and wireless location based on TDOA measurements
CAO Yi-chao;FANG Jia-nan;LUO Xian-yun
Improved detection algorithm for radar based on Hough transform
ZENG Jian-kui;HE Zi-shu;LIU Hong-ming
Study of propagating on Earth-space paths in stratospheric quantum communication system
YAN Yi;PEI Chang-xing;HAN Bao-bin;ZHAO Nan
Fast pattern simulation of deployable truss antenna on satellite
SHOU Jian-jun;GUAN Fu-ling
Novel ultra-wideband printed monopole antennas fed by tapered coplanar waveguides
YAN Xiao-rong;ZHONG Shun-shi;LIANG Xian-ling
Total reflection and total transmission at interface associated with anisotropic metamaterial
LIU Song-hua;LIANG Chang-hong;GAO Jie;PAN Wei-tao
Influence of waveforms on ber performance of overlapping time division multiplexing
YANG Xun;WANG Jian;LI Dao-ben
Novel broadband HF dipole antenna with tailed wings
LIU Chao;ZHANG Zhi-gang;LIU Qi-zhong;YAO Jun
UHF RFID antenna design based on LTCC technology
Recent research and developing trends of reconfigurable antennas
WANG An-guo;ZHANG Jia-jie;WANG Peng;HOU Yong-hong
Review of ultra-wide band pulse antenna
LI Chang-yong;YANG Shi-zhong;ZHANG Cheng-chang