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Chinese Journal of Radio Science
2007 Issue 6
Fast calculation of far-field pattern of antenna covered by body of revolution radome
ZOU Yan-lin;LIU Qi-zhong;GUO Jing-li
Comparison and analysis of three kinds of distribution of sea clutter with heavy tails
HU Luo-quan;LIN Le-ke;ZHU Hong-bo
Maintain mechanism of long-life Es layer in mid-latitude area
HE You-wen;MA Yue-hua;XU Pin-xin;ZHAO Hai-bin
Parabolic equation model for wave propagation in forest environments
GUO Jian-yan;WANG Jian-ying;LONG Yun-liang
Signal synchronization and compensation of meteor for extremely low SNR
LI Zan;ZHANG Zhi-yi;PEI Chang-xing;CAI Jue-ping
Electromagnetic characteristics of dielectric cylinder covered lossless negative refraction metamaterial
WANG Hai-long;WU Qun;WU Jian;MENG Fan-yi;LI Le-wei
Improvement of performance for circular waveguide dielectric-rod phased arrays with EBG
LIANG Le;LI Long;LIANG Chang-hong
Modified algorithm of stretched coordinate perfectly matched layer based on Z-transform method
LI Jian-xiong;YANG Min;DAI Ju-feng;MAO Lu-hong
Characteristics of microstrip antennas with left-handed material substrates
YANG Rui;XIE Yong-jun;WANG Peng;LI Lei
Improvement of design method for small rectangular waveguide slot arrays
ZHAO Huai-cheng;WU Wen;TANG Yi-ming;YU Yan-min
Parameter estimation of wideband LFM signals based on MP decomposition
WANG Jian-ying;LU Xue;YIN Zhong-ke
Improved method to retrieve atmosphere profiles using microwave radiometer's measurements
WANG Bo;ZHAO Zhen-wei;DONG Qing-sheng;ZHANG Yu-sheng
Influence of HF heating on transmission of electromagnetic wave
DENG Feng;ZHAO Zheng-yu;ZHANG Yuan-nong
Noise measurement and analysis of plasma antenna
LIANG Zhi-wei;WANG Zhi-jiang;ZHAO Guo-wei;XU Jie;XU Yue-min
Minimum-redundancy linear arrays for pseudodata-based direction of arrival
GU Jian-feng;WEI Ping
Array synthesis using cyclic difference sets and simulated annealing
GUO Chen-jiang;ZHANG Feng;DING Jun;XU Jia-dong
Wavelet galerkin of time domain method for dispersive media
DAI Shao-yu;WU Zhen-sen
Parallel FDTD computation of scattering by buried objects
ZHANG Xiao-yan;SHENG Xin-qing
Effect of a sphere shell on radiated fields of a vertical electric dipole
ZHU Xiu-qin;GUAN Bo-ran
A mesh neighbor preconditioned multilevel fast inhomogeneous plane wave algorithm
CHEN Yong-pin;HU Jun;NIE Zai-ping;MENG Min
Radar target recognition based on direct discriminant analysis using range profile
LIU Hua-lin;YANG Wan-lin
A new frequency and 2-D DOA estimation algorithm
LIANG Jun-li;YANG Shu-yuan;ZHANG Jun-ying
A new method for DOA, range and polarization estimation of near-field sources
HUANG Jia-cai;SHI Yao-wu
Multiple-level parallel detection in ultra-wideband transmitted reference systems
LIAO Xue-wen;ZHU Shi-hua;ZENG Er-lin
Design of dual band conic horn antenna
CHEN Teng-bo;LIU Lin-lin;JIAO Yong-chang;ZHANG Fu-shun
Ionospheric clutter suppression in high frequency surface wave radar based on eigen decomposition
XIONG Xin-nong;KE Heng-yu;WAN Xian-rong
Calculation of radar cross section for cavities based on PPO and MPI
ZHANG Peng-fei;GONG Shu-xi
Design of dual antennas with a shared aperture in a deep cavity covered by a thick radome
ZONG Xian-zheng;WANG Jun;NIE Zai-ping;YANG Feng
Influences of inductance reducing rate in explosive magnetic frequency generators
JIANG Ze-hui;WU Dong;HAN Jie-cai;ZHAO Hai-fa;ZHANG Yu-min;QU Wei