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Chinese Journal of Radio Science
2006 Issue 6
Reverse link performance of Multicarrier CDMA based on optimized multiband complex wavelet
YU Xiang-bin;XU Da-zhuan;BI Guang-guo
Approximation solution of characteristic equation of guide wave in a semicircle tunnel
ZHANG Chang-sen;KE Xi-zheng;SUN Ji-ping
Design of broadband shipboard whip-type antenna at high frequency band
LIU Chao;LIU Qi-zhong;LIANG Yu-jun;ZHANG Jian-wei
Design of a circular smart antenna array and its calibration network
ZHANG Fu-shun;YU Xiao-le;SHANG Yuan-bo;NI Da-ning;JIAO Yong-chang
Analysis of radar detection ability in evaporation duct environment
ZHAO Xiao-long;HUANG Ji-ying;WANG Hai-hua
Performance analysis of shortwave differential frequency hopping systems with partial-band jamming
ZHU Yi-chao;GAN Liang-cai;XIONG Jun-qiao;ZHAO Jian-jun;LIN Jing
High gain circular waveguide antenna using 1-D electromagnetic band-gap structure
LI Bin;DANG Xiao-jie;LIANG Chang-hong
The pattern synthesis of antennas based on a modified PSO algorithm
JIN Rong-hong;YUAN Zhi-hao;GENG Jun-ping;FAN Yu;LI Jia-jing
Pre-correct FFT algorithm for scattering of an large array structure
LI Tie;ZHANG Min;WU Zhen-sen
Error analysis of "stop and go" hypothesis of spaceborne bistatic SAR
HUANG Hai-feng;DONG Zhen;LIANG Dian-nong
Study on reflected ray tracing algorithm of NURBS-UTD
WANG Nan;ZHANG Yu;LIANG Chang-hong
Torsion vibration and motion-induced noise of H-field antenna
ZHU Si-hua;WANG De-shi
An improved symbol timing recovery algorithm for OFDM systems in rayleigh fading channels
WU Yun;LUO Han-wen;SONG Wen-tao
A new and highly effective approach for calculating the Mie series
WANG Hai-long;WU Qun;WU Jian;Li Le-wei
A novel broadband and high-gain microstrip reflect array antenna with variable polarization
WU Zhi-hang;ZHANG Wen-xun;LIU Zhen-guo;SHEN Wei
Study on the frequency stability problem of SAL
CHEN Yun-bo;TANG Bo;WANG Li-na;ZHANG Ming-dong
SAR images despeckling based on stationary wavelet transform and adaptive fuzzy shrinkage
WU Yan;WANG Xia;LIAO Gui-sheng
Study on RCS scaling relationship of perfect conducting objects in half space
CHEN Xiao-jie;LI-lei;SHI Xiao-wei;XIE Yong-jun
Improvement of ludwig's algorithm and its application on NURBS-PO method
WANG Meng;CHEN Ming;LIANG Chang-hong
Analysis of Archimedean spiral antenna using moment method with curved segmentations
TANG Pu;WANG Jian;WANG Chao-ran;NIE Zai-ping
FDTD analysis of 2-dimensional conducting target coated with anisotropic magnetized plasma
XU Li-jun;MO Jin-jun;YUAN Nai-chang
Experimental verification of a ray-tracing model at 5.8GHz
LI Chao-feng;JIAO Pei-nan
Fast analysis of a mixture of conducting and dielectric objects
GUO Jing-li;LI Jian-ying;LIU Qi-zhong
Modeling of propagation path loss in a canopy
LIU Li-guo;WANG Hai-song;SHI Xiao-xin;GAI Yi-bing;DING Guo-wen
Fast calculation method of coupling between multiple airborne antennae via parallel technique
YUAN Jun;QIU Yang;Qi-zhong;TIAN Jin
Scintillation of beam wave propagation along Earth-space paths from outer-scale of turbulent atmosphere
YANG Rui-ke;LIU Ke-xiang;WU Zhen-sen;GUO Li-xin
Research of chaotic FH sequences generated by combined map
ZHANG Zheng-ming;WANG Jin
New numerical method to solve eigenvalue equation of surface wave
TIAN Yu-bo;QIAN Jian;SHENG Jia-gen
Fast calculation of RCS of electrically large cavities using FMM
LUO Wei;GAO Zhen-ping;ZHAO Bo-lin
Two-dimension signal processing scheme for binary phase-coded radar waveform
XU Qing-chen;YANG Zi-jie;YE Huan-zhuo
Effects of random errors on the sidelobe level of a module array antenna
FANG Gang;WANG Xiao-mo;GAO Ben-qing