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Chinese Journal of Radio Science
2005 Issue 4
Effect of mutual coupling on the performance of MIMO wireless channels
LI Xin;NIE Zai-ping
Scattering analysis of tree-truck at VHF/UHF
HUANG Ji-jun;SU Yi;MA Xing-yi;ZHOU Jie
Automatic target recognition for ultra-wideband ground-penetrating radar
LI Jian-xun;ZHENG Jun-ting
Reflection of electromagnetic wave of non-uniform magnetized plasma
L(U) Ai-long;XU Jia-dong
A low complexity method for estimating 2-D DOA
REN Xun-li;LIAO Gui-sheng;ZENG Cao
Analysis of electromagnetic wave propagation modes in rectangular tunnel
SUN Ji-ping;CHENG Ling-fei
Novel slipping stagger MTI filter design based on genetic algorithm
WANG Li-jun;TAO Hai-hong;LUO Feng;WU Shun-jun
Numerical simulation of EMP coupling to loaded thin wire
CHENG Yin-hui;ZHOU Hui;LI Bao-zhong;WU Wei;QIAO Deng-jiang
Coverage estimate of monostatic passive location system based on FM broadcast signals
ZHAO Hong-li;WU Tie-ping;BAO Zheng
Genetic algorithm and multi-grid technique applied to two-step linear inversion method
DENG Xiao-bo;NIE Zai-ping;ZHAO Yan-wen;YANG Feng
Radar emitter signal recognition based on entropy features
ZHANG Ge-xiang;HU Lai-zhao;JIN Wei-dong
Application of TB-PSTD algorithm to the scattering of 3-D large dielectric objects
DONG Hui;LI Qing-liang;YAN Yu-bo;TANG Wei
A new smart antenna system combined with adaptive antenna and switched beam
LIU Zhao-wei;CAI Run;SHEN Jian-feng;WANG Zong-xin
Analysis of response of antennas to electromagnetic waves excitation
ZHAO Zhen-jiang;DU Zheng-wei;GONG Ke
Modulation classification of MPSK signals in multipath fading channel
HU Jian-wei;YANG Shao-quan;TANG Jian-long
Application of the wide-angle parabolic equation under impedance boundary condition
HU Hui-bin;CHAI Shun-lian;MAO Jun-jie
Effect of channel uncertainty on the performance of time-frequency MUSIC and its calibration
TANF Jian-long;LI Tao;YANG Shao-quan
Performance analysis of polarization diversity in mobile terminal
WU Yu-jiang;NIE Zai-ping
Low latitude ionospheric plasma drift features in China
WANG Xiao;SHI Jian-kui;XIAO Zuo;ZHANG Man-lian;WU Shun-zhi
Terrain-aided navigation system based on imaging laser radar
XU Hong-bo;WANG Guang-jun;TIAN Jin-wen;LIU Jian
Analysis of mobile VLF antennas using moment-method and image method
HUANG Lin-shu;JIANG Yu-zhong;LIANG Yu-jun;YAN Yu-chun
Radio observation of 1999 strong leonid meteor shower
HE You-wen;MA Yue-hua;XU Pin-xin;LI Guang-yu;ZHAO Hai-bin
Capacity of multiantenna LS-CDMA system under correlatoin fading channel
WANG Jun-xuan;RAO Wen-yuan;CHENG Xing-qing;LI Dao-ben
A new formulae for predicting tropospheric refractive error
HAN Wen-jun;ZHAO Hong-mei