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Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
2003 Issue 6
Analysis of Modes of China's Public Policy Evaluation
wei shu yan ; liu zhen jun
Airline Revenue Management: A Signal to Other Business in China
kang jin jiang ; zhang yu qing ; chen jing
Necessity of Developing the Bill Market in China and Suggestions
zeng hua ; zhu yi qiao
Causes of Increasing Dumping on Chinese Market and Antidumping Measures to Take
liu zuo ; peng jian xin
Discussion on Supervision for Banking in China After Joining WTO
li ying ; feng li xin ; zu jian xin
Pragmatic Analysis of the Industrial Economic Growth in Shenyang
chen yu qing ; ren ming
Rethink About Japanese Absorption-Type Model of Technological Renovations
sun ping ; chen fan
On the Renovations of the Technological Alliance of Businesses
chen fan ; xu qiang
Review on the Theory of Technological Process
yuan de yu
Causes of Value Conflicts in Public Policy Formulation
du bao gui ; zhang man sheng ; yu cai hong
Rethinking About Formulation of Regional Sci-Tech Policies in China
sui yong qiang ; pan yong ; lou cheng wu
Study on Peter H.L.Chang's Affection for Physical Education
hu yi shan ; che jin hua
Language-Culture Interpretation Reflected In Chinglish
zhao chun zuo