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Journal of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
2004 Issue 1
Contents in English
sun kai
dui nong chan pin guo ji mao yi zhong biao zhun bi lei de jie xi
yu yang ; dai peng jun ; li hong ling ; dai hua
A New Perspective of Employment System:Inside Labor Market
wang li hong
Enterprise Inside Control:Nature and Framework
zhang yi xia
On the Incentives of Manager's Share Futures
wei li hua
A Study of Changes of Mode of Thinking of Administration
liu hai ying
An Economic Analysis of Failure of Law Prohibition
he rui li ; liu ming hui
bao xian qi ye ru he liu zhu ren cai
di hong xu ; cui jing jing
guan yu cang chu zhi ya dai kuan ye wu de ji dian si kao
wu ying jie
On the Administration of Mobility of Commercial Banks
zhang xue li ; wang xiao feng
On the Development of Subject of Financial Analysis
zhang xian zhi
Pondering over the Reform of VAT in China
huo ya ping
Venture Capital Investment and Project Options
zheng hong hai ; zhao li hong