Rh/ZnO-Al2O3 Catalysts for Selective Hydrogenation of Crotonaldehyde
Mouna AOUN1;2;Aicha BENAMAR2;Mohamed CHATER2 1Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique en Analyses Physico-Chimiques ;BP 248 Alger RP;16004;Algeria 2Laboratoire d’Etude Physico-Chimique des Matériaux et Application à l’Environnement;Faculté de Chimie; Université des Sciences et de la Technologie;Houari Boumediene;BP 32 Bab Ezzouar;16111;Alger;Algeria
Phosphorus Doped Pd3Fe1/C Catalysts and Their Electrocatalytic Activity for Oxygen Reduction
DAI Youzhi1;LIU Jinbing1;LIU Hong2;WANG Yi2;a;SONG Shuqin3;b 1Department of Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering;Shaoyang University;Shaoyang 422000;Hunan;China 2School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangzhou 510275;Guangdong;China 3State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies;School of Physics and Engineering;Sun Yat-sen University;Guangzhou 510275;Guangdong;China
Microwave Irradiation Synthesis of SAPO-31 Molecular Sieve and Its Characterization and Catalytic Performance
YANG Jie1;WU Wei1;ZHOU Yajing1;WU Guang1;ZHAO Aijuan1;KIKHTYANIN O V2; TOKTAREV A V2;ECHEVSKII G V2 1Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering Process and Technology for High-Efficiency Conversion;College of Heilongjiang Province;Sino-Russan Joint Laboratory for Catalysis;School of Chemistry and Material Sciences;Heilongjiang University; Harbin 150080;Heilongjiang;China 2Boreskov Institute of Catalysis;Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;Novosibirsk 630090;Russia