Mechanism of Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with NH3 over CeO2-WO3 Catalysts
CHEN Liang 1;2;LI Junhua2;3;a;GE Maofa1;b;MA Lei2;CHANG Huazhen2 1State Key Laboratory for Structural Chemistry of Unstable and Stable Species;Institute of Chemistry; Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100190;China 2Department of Environmental Science and Engineering;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China 3State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control;Tsinghua University;Beijing 100084;China
Wavelength Effect on Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 by Ag/TiO2 Catalyst
K.KOí1;*;K.ZATLOUKALOV1;L.OBALOV1;S.KREJíKOV2;Z.LACNY1; L.APEK3;A.HOSPODKOV4;O.OLCOV2 1Faculty of Metallurgy and Material Engineering;VB-Technical University of Ostrava;17.Listopadu 15;Ostrava;Czech Republic 2Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals CAS;Rozvojová135;Prague;Czech Republic 3Faculty of Chemical Technology;University of Pardubice;Studentská95;Pardubice;Czech Republic 4Institute of Physics of the ASCR;v.v.i.;Na Slovance 2;Praha 8;Czech Republic
Preparation of CuxCo1-x/Al2O3/Cordierite Monolithic Catalysts and the Catalytic Combustion of Toluene
ZHAO Fuzhen1;2;ZHANG Guanghong3;ZENG Penghui1;YANG Xiao1;JI Shengfu1;* 1State Key Laboratory of Chemical Resource Engineering;Beijing University of Chemical Technology;Beijing 100029;China 2Key Laboratory of Catalysis and Materials Science of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and Ministry of Education; College of Chemistry and Materials;South-Central University for Nationalities;Wuhan 430074;Hubei;China 3Department of Chemical Engineering;Ningxia Normal University;Guyuan 756000;Ningxia;China
Oxidative Desulfurization of Fuel Oils
JIANG Zongxuan;LüHongyinga;ZHANG Yongna;LI Can* State Key Laboratory of Catalysis;Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Dalian 116023;Liaoning;China
Platinum-Based Catalyst for Diesel Hydrocarbon Oxidation
Masaaki HANEDA1;*;Motoi SASAKI2;Hideaki HAMADA2;Masakuni OZAWA1 1Ceramics Research Laboratory;Nagoya Institute of Technology;10-6-29 Asahigaoka;Tajimi;Gifu 507-0071;Japan 2Research Center for New Fuels and Vehicle Technology;National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; AIST Tsukuba Central 5;1-1-1 Higashi;Tsukuba;Ibaraki 305-8565;Japan
Can Li State Key Laboratory of Catalysis; Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Dalian 116023;China Hong He Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100085;China