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Urban Problems
2002 Issue 5
Policies of urban development of China and the environmental influence
chen ; yang kai zhong
Social capital, cooperative competition and urban development in China
yu da peng ; zhao shi tao ; zuo bin
Reflection on urban image
mei bao hua
Analysis of the features and mechanism in urbanization in northeast area
liu xi feng ; li cheng gu ; tan xue lan
Overcome the obstacles in the rational use of urban land
shi yong liang ; tan wu ying
Development of water system in the progress of urbanization of Shanghai and its influences to the city drainage
chen de chao ; li xiang ping ; yang ji shan ; chen zhong yuan ; wu chao jun
Urban community construction——modern transform of society and people
zhang dong he ; yu zuo feng
Reasons of higher house price from the angle of supply
xu zuo ; jiang li hong
Research on poverty problems in cities
liu yu ting ; he shen jing ; gu chao lin
Six abstraints in building city square
liao jian ping
Rescarch on urban land reserve in China
wu ci fang ; tan yong zhong