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Journal of Changsha Telecommunications and Technology Vocational College
2004 Issue 4
Interpretation Dilthey's Human sciences
yang hai yan
Configuring marketing system and creating unique values for enterprises
tan sui feng ; yang hui
Applications of Comparative Study in Chinese Teaching
yang jian
Briefly on the Environment for English Study
wang xi jiu
On Application Of Case -study Teaching to Marketing
zhao zuo lan
On college logistics structure administration
deng chang fei
Research on network resources deploying in Lei Yang city
fang sheng
The request analysis in the designation of network engineering
deng wen da ; lei jun huan
Briefly on the bus technology of computer PCI express
tao yong jin
Applications of JSP in engineering image files management system
long chao zuo ; zhang xiu ru
Setting up LSK value of SIMEND900 switches
hu zhen yu
AODV-RC under the control of redundancy
liu rong
On the development of employees' theoretical training
yi xue ling
Research on internal communications in small or middle enterprises
zhang de zuo ; zhang bo