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Journal of Railway Science and Engineering
2016 Issue 12
Statistical analysis on torsion irregularity spectru m of ballastless track for high-speed railways
YU Cuiying;,XIANG Jun;,CHEN Tao;,GONG Kai;,MAO Jianhong;
Theoretical prediction andnu merical si mu lation of the high-speed train front-end energy-absorbing structure
ZHANG Yangcong;,XU Ping;,YAO Shuguang;,DENG Wenyuan;
Research on multi-objective opti mization for tracking operation of high-speed train
GAO Xirui;,DONG Haiying;,YANG Lixia;
Analysis of gap and deformation of CRTSⅡtrack on bridges under temperature
ZHOU Min;,DAI Gonglian;,YAN Bin;
The feasibility research of the one-tailed CPIII plane network measurement
TANG Enkui;,LIU Chenglong;,LIU Zhi;,YANG Sishan;
Seis mic dyna mic response analysis of e mbankment along the Qinghai-Tibet Expressway
ZHAO Tao;,WU Zhijian;,LIANG Qingguo;,ZHAO Wenchen;,CHEN Tuo;,XU Shimin;
A new equivalent transformation method for calculating the pile bearing capacity on self-balancing test results
TAN Xianjiang;,YANG Gaoshang;,LEI Mingfeng;,CHEN Shulin;,LI Yufeng;
Shaking table test for high slope destruction under earthquake action
YAN Kunfa;,LU Jianhua;,LIU Xiaoyan;,ZHOU Zhijun;
Research and application of the dyna mic grouting technology based on co mprehensive analysis of geological information
WANG Kai;,LI Shucai;,ZHANG Qingsong;,YANG Lei;,LI Zhaofeng;,ZHOU Xiaosheng;,PAN Guangming;,QI Yanhai;,SUI Haitong;
Analysis on shear deformation and shear-lag effect of twin-cell box girders
ZHANG Hui;,ZHANG Yuyuan;,ZHANG Yuanhai;
Research on the static and stability behavior of cross cable pre-stressed 3D-truss arch
HE Yongjun;,ZHANG Xiangyang;,ZHOU Xuhong;
Mechanical behavior of RPC filled double skin circular steel tube colu mns
TANG Changhui;,OUYANG Peng;
Sensitive reserch of orbit elevation error of steel box girder slipping in the co mplicated track
YUAN Peng;,LI Dejian;,LU Yao;,LI Chuanxi;
The i mple mentation of design for integrally erected 48 m UHPC si mple-supported box girder
HU Yunyao;,BAI Yutang;,ZHANG Yang;
Crack shape detection on the structural surface based on i mage analysis technology
FANG Zhi;,XIA Jun;,LIU Chuanle;
The filed-testing on surrounding rock deformation and supporting syste m in inter-bedded strata sand-gravel tunnel
YAN Jian;,HE Chuan;,YAN Qixiang;,WEI Yanqing;,YAN Kunpeng;
Analysis of side pile influencing factors in shallow underground excavated cave pile method station based on orthogonal test
HOU Xufeng;,GAO Bo;,SHEN Yusheng;,CHEN Xi;,LI Liang;
Design of continuously welded rail crawling monitoring syste m based on ZigBee
FU Qinyi;,PENG Yakai;,WANG Chao;
Contrastive analysis on paving effect of single machine and trapezoid paving
XU Zhongxin;,HU Yongbiao;,GUO Rongguo;,ZHANG Jianguang;
Research on temperature distribution,preheating and heat preservation of rail under exothermic welding
HUANG Zundi;,CHANG Ning;,FENG Zhenfu;,YU Qizhi;
Fastsearch algorith m of transfer sche me based on effective paths in railway networks
SU Huanyin;,SHI Feng;,ZHANG Pei;,WEI Tangjian;
Opti mization of subway ti metable at the railway-subway transfer station
HU Qianyun;,BAI Yun;,CAO Yunwen;,CHEN Yao;,CHEN Zhijie;
Driving risk si mulation analysis of lorriesat interchange exit section
ZHANG Chi;,QI Chen;,HUA Guilong;,LIU Yuanyuan;