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Journal of Railway Science and Engineering
2007 Issue 4
tou gao xu zhi
Computerized simulation of double cavity jaw crushers based on ADAMS
LUO Hong-ping;Mu Fu-sheng;WANG Hu-qi
Study on the interrelated conception of grey space and buildings' ecology
PENG Jian-guo;SHI Meng-liang
Discussion on critical issues involved in management of railway construction under new situation
WANG Qing'e;FANG Dong-sheng;WANG Meng-jun;ZHOU Qing-zhu;CHEN Hui-hua
Hydration characteristics and microstructure of compound cementitious system with reactive powder
LONG Guang-cheng;XIE You-jun;SHI Ming-xia
Analysis for composition change on acid rain attacking hydrated cement past
HU Xiao-bo;HOU Xiao-yan;LONG Ting;TAO Xin-ming;LIU fen;XIAO Bo-jun
Experimental investigation on the dynamic tensile behavior of graded steel-fiber RPC
HUANG Zheng-yu;Qin Lian-wei;Xiao Yan;Chen Bo-sheng
Stress analysis and model test of crucial parts of large-span continuous rigid frame arch bridge
LI Yue;REN Wei-dong;FENG Zhou-quan;CHEN Zheng-qing
Study on the interaction between long span bridge and ballastless turnout under temperature force
ZENG Zhi-ping;CHEN Xiu-fang;ZHAO Guo-fan
Analysis of fracture toughness properties of rails steel under low temperature conditions
WANG Yuan-qing;FENG Bao-rui;SHI Yong-jiu