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Journal of Railway Science and Engineering
2006 Issue 2
Several questions of assessment of influence by highway on dongting lake ecotope
LIU Su;ZHANG Chong-lu;SUN Guo-qing;XU Zhuo-kui;ZHAO Ke-jin
The stability analysis of wagon with 30t axle load bogie
DONG Qi-zhi;FENG Xiang
Development and application of a new kind of track static parameter measurer
LONG Jing;YING Li-jun;JIA Wen-qiang
Analysis of tube well dewatering construction in underpass
WANG Li-chuan;YUAN Xing-xing;ZHAO Gang-ling
In situ experiment and analysis of ground surface vibration induced by urban subway transit
YAN Wei-ming;NIE Han;REN Ming;FENG Jun-he;ZHANG Yi;CHEN Jian-qiu
The numerical analysis of railway vibration reduction by trenches
HOU De-jun;LEI Xiao-yan;LUO Xin-wei
Analysis and application of an overhead rails continued beam
ZHOU Tian-ming;CHEN Xiao-bin
Equivalent finite element model of FRP honeycomb-type sinusoidal core panels
ZHANG Yin;Stanley O.Oghumu;C.S.Cai
A comparative analysis of effective flange width in composite bridges between domestic and foreign specifications
LI Yun-sheng;WANG Yuan-qing;SHI Yong-jiu;ZHANG Yan-ling
Stress analysis of joint in transversal beam and tied bar
YE Mei-xin;WU Qin-qin;HUANG Qiong;HAN Yan-qun
Experimental study on mechanical properties of manufactured sand fly ash concrete
ZHAO Shun-bo;XIA Ming;LIU Chun-jie
Research and application of self-compacting concrete
LIU Xiao-jie;YU Zhi-wu