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Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology
2007 Issue 5
wang shi gu nian pu ( yi )
zhao ping
On Basic Principles of Jiang Zemin's News Dissemination
KONG Ai-feng
Changes in Suzhou Dialect and Protection of Dialects
YAN Shu-qin;Lü Hong
A Quantitative Study of the Coordinate Conjunctions in Shui Hu Zhuan
ZHENG Wen-ping;CAO Wei
Seeking the "Lost" Self: On Identity Establishment in Invisible Man
YI Li-jun;YANG Hong
Commercial Actions in Jurisdictional Immunity of State and Its Property
ZHOU Shao-ping;XIA Hong-qiang
Truth and Democracy:A Pillar of Court Mediation in Harmonious Society
ZHU Ge;SUN Qi-liang
Studies on Connotation and Attributes of Customer Value
YU Qiu-hong
The Validity Proof of the Converse Investment Strategy of Securities Business in China
XIAO Guang-jin;Chen Ying-zheng
An Investigative Report on Community Cultural Construction
Working Group of Social Sciences Dept
Witchcraft and Witch Doctor
ZHANG Tai-jiao
Gender Study and Pursuit of the Subjective
LIANG Qing-biao
A Philosophical Analysis of Knowledge Economy
CHEN Zhi-sheng
The Theoretical Height of Marx's Time Concept
ZHOU Yun-hua;YANG Zeng-qi
What's "the Spirit of Historical Materialism"
WANG Wei;TANG Zheng-dong
Plekhanov and Marxist Philosophy