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Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology
2005 Issue 4
On the Element Orders of Finite Groups
SHI Wu-jie
Finite Groups with Property P4
QIAN Guo-hua
Subclasses of Starlike Functions Involving Salagean Operator
YANG Ding-gong
A Set of equations concerning polygon
LI Yu-qun
Phase Equilibrium of Mixed Phenols in Water
XU Hua;JU Hong-fang
The selection project PU blowing system
YU Li-zhen
The Status and Prospect of Chinese Mitten Crab Culture in Changshu
XU Jian-rong;HAN Yao-ping;YU Da;SU Yong-chun;REN Li-zhen;XU Ren-yi;CHENG Li-min
The Analysis of the Congenital Deaf- mutes in the South Area of Jiangsu Province
DU Lan-fang;ZHANG Yan-ping;XU Bing;ZHANG Zhong-ying;CHENG Li
Study on Physicochemical Properties of Red Pigment of Strawberry
CHEN Yi-yong;WANG Wei;LIANG Jian-guang;HUANG Hui
Advances in Research of myostatin gene and its function
GU Zhi-liang
Landscape Ecological Construction in Changshu City
TAN Jing-hua
Real Time Clock X1226 and The Design of Interface With Microcontroller 89C51
TU Shui-lin;XUE Zheng-ming
Pattern Synthesis of Array Antenna Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
FAN Yu;WU Zheng-yi;JIN Rong-hong;GENG Jun-ping
Moving Estimation method of MPEG - 4 and its Practice
YU Lin-hua;WU Bin
A Web Page Classification Based on Feature Extraction
LI Ming-jie
Intelligent Agent Based Problem- Solving System
Design of a General Test Generating System
QIAN Yi-ping