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Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
2011 Issue 1
The Three Discourses in Confucianism
ZHONG You-xun
Service Outsourcing Industry in CZT Two-oriented society Construction Pilot Area
ZHOU Zheng-xiang;CHU Tao;DENG Hong-yan;ZHOU Zhen-hong
The Age of Grass-rootedness of Poetry
LI Shao-jun
Study on the Forecasting of Copper Future Price Trend based on Neural Network
WANG Shu-ping;XU Xiao-fei
An Evolutionary Perspective on Engineering
CAI Qian-he
An Investigation of the Influence of Investors\' Mood upon a Certain Stock Market
WEN Feng-hua;RAO Gui-tian;YANG Xiao-guang
Analysis on Consumer Values of Contemporary Young
Title:The Rhetoric of Chen Xianfa\'s poem
The Ability of New Century Poetry to Respond to the Reality
ZHANG Yong-feng
Harmony purport:the essence of the era and the value standard of human civilization
ZHANG Chang-ming;LI Hou-sheng
xin xi dong tai
Introduction of the thought of G, Lukacs\'s Identity of Subject-object
LI Pei-ting;JIN An-guang
A Theoretical and Empirical Study of the Increase of Foreign Exchange in Malaria
LIU Bing-quan;LIANG Xiang-dong
The cause of truth of science being asleep and references
WEN Xiang;YI Xian-fei