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Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
2007 Issue 1
gao yue
Blake's Eastern Aesthetic View
TANG Mei-xiu
Reflection on the Human Science in the Constitute of Technique and Time
HUANG Qing;MA Ya-juan
On Ai Wu's Ultimate Experience and his Journey to the South
XIE Ming-zi
On Qian Daxin's Characters as the Confucianist
GUO Yuan-lan
On "Harmony-the Beautiful" Thought of Tai Ping Jing
MAO Li-ya
An Analysis of Rx Distribution Abstract
LI Xian-guo;XU Hua-wei
Measurement of the Value of Human Resources and its Adaptability Analyses
GAO Feng;WANG Hong-chen
Analyses of Criminal Procedural Law in the Perspective of Constitutionalism
SUN Chang-jun;PENG Peng
On the Right of Equal Employment
LUO Li-hua;YAN Bin
On the Constitutional Personhood of Human Dignity
LONG Sheng
On the Literary Orientation of Ancient Court Verdict and its Possible Effectives
JlANG Xian-fu;PENG Zhong-li
An Outline of Sports Ethics
GONG Zheng-wei;XU Feng-ming;Liu xiang-rong
On Jiang Zeming's Idea of Guidance through the Media
SU Jin-yue
Constructing a Just, Righteous and Harmonious Society
FU Ru-liang;WU Xian-feng
Research on S&T Park Development Based on Cycling Economy
ZHOU Zheng-xiang;YANG hai-yu
Identity In the Sociological Perspective
DENG Zhi-wen