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Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Social Science Edition)
2003 Issue 5
On the Training of Talented Personnel in the West
gu hua xiang
On the Nature of Socialism Developed by Deng Xiaoping
cheng en fu
Problems in the Development of Western Energy Resources
zhou yi feng
Re-acknowledgement of Private Entrepreneurs'Labor Attributes
dong zhen hua ; liu jin xiang
Ways Unlisted Companies Can Use to Stimulate Their Staff with Equities
zhang liang ; xu ying
The Development of Human Resources and Enterprises'Core Competitiveness
ma ling ; lu ji yong
Integration of Symbolism and Exploration
zeng si yi ; chen yuan ming
lun ma ke si zhu yi wang luo chuan bo de wen ti ji dui ce
zhang chun lin
Mistress: Women's Self-realization and Oppression
zhou zuo
Study on Huang Tingjiang's Early Zen Buddhist Ideas
long yan
Sun Jiaxiu's Ideas on Shakespeare Studies
li wei min ; li li
qian yi gao xiao xiao yuan wen hua jian she
li jing
da xue sheng wang luo cheng zuo de cheng yin ji dui ce
zhang ming zhi
Legal Authority and Reform of Argument in Court-verdict Texts
xia zuo ; wang jin
On Jiang Zhemin's All-rounded Development of People
zhang shou xian ; wang dao hong
On the Information Pollution in the Network Context
zheng yun wu ; feng lin
Economic Psychology in the Modern Scientific System
sun yuan ming
Promoting the Development of China's Higher Education
yang jiang shui
jia qiang gao xiao xue sheng ke ji chuang xin neng li pei yang gong zuo de si kao
zuo xiao lin ; tang zhi jun
xin shi qi gao xiao gong qing tuan gong zuo tan xi
jing ju hua ; zhan wei zuo