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Journal of Chongqing Three Gorges University
2003 Issue 4
On Problem Solution Studying Method in Chinese Teaching
liu wen dong
Genetic Study of the Root Lodging Resistance Traits of Maize
yao qi lun
Dielectric of Light Scattering Apply Research
cao jiang ling
The Computer Timing Method on an Uniformly Accelerated Motion Experiment
jiang wan jun ; zhao tong yan
Schr(o)dinger Equation with Harmonic Potentials
chen wen ying
On Programming Technology of Database on Base ADO in VB
tu cheng sheng
On the Judicial Justice and its Realization
deng lin
On Rule of Law of Administrative Guidance
xiao lu jun
The Application of Group Decision-making Theory in E-business
chen xiao hong ; xiong jiang
Comments on the Lyric Melodies by Shi Guangnan
zhang chun jiang
A Comparison between Chinese and English Season Terms
chen lin xia
The Interpretation of the Theory of Success in Chinese Idioms
kang huai yuan
Interaction Effect on Literature of Nan Dynasty Royalty and Shi Rank
zeng yi ; cheng ming
The Superficial View on Carved Stone Calligraphy on Wanzhou Tai Bai Rock
wang xing guo ; qiu hong feng