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Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu University
2010 Issue 6
Finite Element Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of High Strength Bolt Friction Grip Long Joint
ZHANG Shi-bo;WANG Rong-hui;HUANG Yong-hui;LIU Xiao-gang
Experimental Analysis on the Longitudinal Shear Resistance of Flat-type Composite Slab
WANG Yuan-qing;Sung Jong-su;SHI Yong-jiu;Ao Xiao-lei
Hydraulic Characteristics and Energy Efficiency of An Air Conditioning Chilled Water System With Primary Pumps
GAO Ya-feng;LI Bai-zhan;CHEN Yu-yuan;LIU Xiao-qing;JIN Zhen-xing
Expansion Characeriscs of Fluidized Bed Combustion Ashes Under Auoclaved Curing
WEI Ying-chun;QIAN Jue-shi;ZHANG Zhi-wei;WANG Zhi
Simulation of Waste Pneumatic Transportation in Pipeline
YOU Xue-yi;ZHANG Jie;ZHAO Shen
Formation of Bromate in UV/Cl2, UV/NH2Cl and UV/ClO2 Combining Processes
HUANG Xin;GAO Nai-yun;DING Guo-ji;LU Ning
Stability Behavior of Shuttle-Shaped Steel Lattice Columns With Bending Moment
TIAN Wei;ZHAO Yang;XIANG Xin-an;DONG Shi-lin;ZHANG Wei-yu;FANG Wei;ZHANG An-an
Mechanical Properties of Concrete Cylinders Confined with CFRP Sheets Subjected to Axial Compression
LIANG Meng;DONG Wei;YI Fu-min;WU Zhi-min
Stress Corrosion of Concrete Exposed to the Action of Freezing-thawing Cycles
ZHANG Yun-qing;YU Hong-fa;SUN Wei;ZHANG Jian-ye
Experimental Analysis on Bonding Behavior of Hybrid-Bonding of FRP
ZHANG Feng;NIU Ping-xia;LI Shu-chen;SUN Qin-yan
Practical Method of Form-finding of Semi-rigid Structures
CAI Jian-guo;YU Ling-zhi;WANG Fang;FENG Jian;ZHANG Chuan-sheng
Kinetic Analysis on Phosphorus Adsorption, Phosphorus Desorption, Nitrification, and Denitrification by Using Mineralized Refuse
ZHANG Hou-hu;TIAN Jing-si;ZHANG Yi-min;Gao Yue-xiang;Cai Jing-bang
Energy Efficiency of Water Transportation System for Surface Water Source Heat Pump
BAI Xue-lian;ZHANG Yan-jun;WANG Hou-hua
Fatigue Behavior Test of Nodes in a Large-span Steel Truss Arch Bridge
ZHOU Zhi-xiang;XIANG Hong;XU Yong
Reference Sky Classification in Daylighting Design
HE Ying;HU Ying-kui;WENG Ji
Experimental Analysis on Duty Ratio Fuzzy Control for Fan-coil Unit
ZHAO Tian-yi;MA Liang-dong;ZHANG Ji-li
Micro-mechanism Between Recycling Agent and Aged Asphalt
ZHANG Yong-xing;XIONG Chu-hua;LING Lian-qing