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Journal of Chongqing Institute of Technology
2016 Issue 5
The Theoretic Basis and Model Building Ideas of Periodic Model of Chinese Economic Development
LI Jian-wei;Research Institute of Social Development;Development Research Center of the State Council;
Metaphorical Argumentation in Speeches of Entrepreneurs
XU Ci-hua;ZHANG Qiao-yang;QIU Hui;School of Philosophy;Zhejiang University;
Folk Physics: A Source of “Hempel’s Dilemma”
JIANG Xue-ru;LIU Ming-hai;College of Marxism;Central China Normal University;
On Parallelism( Mou) in Mohist Canon:A View and Discussion on Three Types of Mohist Parallelism( Mou)
QIAN Shuang;Department of Philosophy;Beijing Administrative College;
Study on the Lewis Turning Point of Chinese Labor Force Supply from the Perspective of Comparison Between China and Japan
JIANG San-liang;LI Pan;School of Economic;Anhui University;
Study on Application of Compounding Kernels RVM in Prediction of CPI
LI Chang-liang;JIANG Yan;WANG Dian-jun;HAN Ji-guang;Institute of Quality Development;Kunming University of Science and Technology;School of Accountancy;Shanxi University of Finance and Economics;Institute of Information Engineering and Automation;Kunming University of Science and Technology;School of Mechatronic Engineering;Yunnan Agricultural University;
Influencing Factors and Promoting Tactics of Migrant Workers’ Well-Being at Work: An Exploratory Research Based on Grounded Theory
XIAO Jing;CHEN Wei-zheng;School of Management;Xinjiang Agricultural University;School of Business;Sichuan University;
The Study of the Influence of Organizational Trust on Employee Extra-Role Behavior
LIU Hui;YANG Meng-na;MAN Yi-ji;School of Economics and Management;Shenyang Aerospace University;Faculty of Electronic Information;Dalian Universiy of Technology;
Incentive Mechanism for Fresh Agricultural Planting Under Farmers Distrust in Direct Farming-Supermarket Connection
ZHANG Qing-bo;QIU Yue;SONG Han;College of Management;Chongqing University of Technology;School of Business;Sichuan University;
Fruits and Vegetables Consumption Trend Prediction and Structure Optimization Under the Perspective of Balanced Human Diet in China
LIU Jun-yue;SU Ying;WANG Le;College of Management;Chongqing University of Technology;
The Study of the Relationship Among Reciprocal Preference,Knowledge Sharing and Enterprise Performance:An Empirical Research Based on the Private Enterprises in Chongqing
LI Pan-yi;CHEN Ming-shi;School of Economics and Commerce;Chongqing University of Technology;
From Generation to Docking and Deepening:An Overview of Studies on YU Geng-yu
SI Zhen-zhen;Elementary Education College;Zhengzhou Normal University;
Steinbeck and His Eco-Critical Critics
XU Xiang-ying;School of Foreign Studies;Minnan Normal University;
Study on DENG Xiao-ping’s Work on Intellectuals’ Issues During His Administrating the Southwest of China
XIE Zhuo-zhi;College of Marxism;Guangxi University;
The Construction of Advanced Gender Culture from the Perspective of Historical Materialism
LIU Li-hong;School of Humanities and Society;Qingdao Agricultural University;
Study on the Strategies of Chinese Government Microblogging Development Based on the Data of 2014
CHEN Peng-qin;YANG Tian-bao;Institute of International Relations and Political Science;Guangxi University for Nationalities;
On Three Dimensions of Social Governance
ZHANG Yong;Yangming College;Ningbo University;