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Journal of Chongqing University(Natural Science Edition)
2013 Issue 1
A valve camshaft load torque calculation and camshaft vibration control analysis
HU Yumei1;2;FAN Fang1;LEI Yingfeng2;HU Chengtai2
Minimum variance beamforming combined with MV-Based coherence factor applied to medical ultrasound imaging
WANG Ping;XU Qin;FAN Wenzheng;GAO Yang;HE Wei;CHEN Minyou
Preparation and characterization of carbon cones by reaction plasma
CHEN Yu’an 1;CHEN Xuan 1;XU Xingzi 1;WANG Biben 2
Research on analysis of force and contacting stress for the discrete teeth harmonic drives
WANG Sua;BAI Xina;CHEN Shixianb;WANG Chunyana
Measurement and analysis of SF6 decomposition products under two types of partial discharges
TANG Ju1;HU Yao1;QIU Yinjun2;YUAN Jingfan2;ZENG Fuping1;ZHANG Xiaoxing1
The variation rules of pupil size under classroom lighting condition
HUANG Haijing1a;1b;2;CHEN Gang1a;1b;2;YAN Yonghong1a;1b
Design of ship-block production scheduling oriented knowledge navigation system
HUANG Yongwen1;JIANG Zuhua1;MAO Zujie2;WANG Jun2
An asymmetric fault ride-through control strategy for PMSG wind turbine
DU Xiong;DAI Pengceng;LI Shanhu;ZHOU Luowei
Application of frequency shifting in truncating substructure low order normal modes
LUO Hong;ZHANG Jingcheng;LI Xingquan;LI Yingqiang
Development of integrated reactors for domestic garbage and town sludge
WU Zhengsong1;ZHI Yue1;HE Qiang1;TANG Shitian2;LING Jianjun3;PAN Mingxia3
A panel model of isotope concentration-flow coupled field in groundwater systems
TONG Haibin1;FU Xudong1;CHEN Jiansheng2
Analysis on the effect of substation structure on grounding grid corrosion diagnosis
LIU Yugen1;LENG Di1;XIAO Leishi2;TIAN Jinhu3
Development of an apparatus for testing heat-resistance time of combustible devices
WANG Guangjian;LIU Zhonghua;YU Li
Multi-field coupled numerical simulation of volume conduction energy transfer
TANG Zhide1;LIU Hailong1;CHEN Xiufa1;XIE Xiaohui1;HOU Deming2
Analysis of nonlinear vibration induced by single radial ball bearing
CHEN Xiaoan1;LIU Junfeng1;ZHANG Peng1;SHAN Wentao1;WU Guoyang2
Experiments on triaxial mechanical properties of soft coal containing gas
ZHAO Hongbao1;3;ZHANG Hongbing2;YIN Guangzhi1;Beijing 100083;China)
Nominal electric field calculation at the ground level of UHV DC transmission lines based on radial basis function method
LI Yongming1;HUANG Hongpei1;ZHANG Huaiqing1;XU Luwen2;LI Gang2; FENG Ling2;ZHU Yanju3
Analysis on drag coefficients of bundled conductors under wind load
CAI Mengqia;YAN Boa;b;LIU Xiaohuia;HU Jinga
Experiments on reduction roasting and bio-dephosphorization of high-phosphorus oolitic hematite
HU Chun1;GONG Wenqi2;LI Yubiao2;ZHONG Lele2; XIN Zhenkai2;WAN Jing1;LIU Xuhong1
Eye localization and state analysis for driver fatigue detection
ZHANG Wanzhi;WANG Zengcai;LI Yunxia