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Journal of Materials Science & Technology
2011 Issue 7
Solidification Studies of 3003 Aluminium Alloys with Cu and Zr Additions
Majed M.R. Jaradeh and Torbjorn Carlberg Mid Sweden University;FSCN;SE-851 70 Sundsvall;Sweden
Role of ZnO-CeO2 Nanostructures as a Photo-catalyst and Chemi-sensor
M. Faisal1);Sher Bahadar Khan1);Mohammed M. Rahman1);Aslam Jamal1);Kalsoom Akhtar2) and M.M. Abdullah1) 1) Centre for Advanced Materials and Nano-Engineering and Department of Chemistry;Faculty of Sciences and Arts;Najran University;Najran 11001;Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2) Division of Nano Sciences and Department of Chemistry;Ewha Womans University;Seoul 120-750;Korea
Joining of Zirconia and Ti-6Al-4V Using a Ti-based Amorphous Filler
Yuhua Liu1);Jiandong Hu1);Yaping Zhang1);Zuoxing Guo1) and Yue Yang2) 1) Key Lab. of Automobile Materials;Ministry of Education;College of Materials Science and Engineering;Jilin University;Changchun 130025;China 2) Key Lab. of Advanced Structural Materials;Ministry of Education;Changchun University of Technology;Changchun 130012;China
Reactivity of Nanostructured MnO2 in Alkaline Medium Studied with a Microcavity Electrode: Effect of Oxidizing Agent
L. Benhaddad1;2);L. Makhloufi1);B. Messaoudi1);K. Rahmouni2) and H. Takenouti2) 1) Laboratoire de Technologie des Matériaux et Génie des Procédés;Département de Génie des Procédés. Université A. Mira;Route de Targa Ouzemmour;06000 Béjaia;Algeria 2) UPR 15 du CNRS LISE-Laboratoire Interfaces et Systèmes Electrochimiques;UPMC University Paris 06;Case 133;4 place Jussieu;75252 Paris Cedex 05;France
Magnetic and Microwave-absorption Properties of Graphite-coated (Fe, Ni) Nanocapsules
Zhigao Xie;Dianyu Geng;Xianguo Liu;Song Ma and Zhidong Zhang Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research and International Centre for Material Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;72 Wenhua Road;Shenyang 110016;China
Hot Cracking in AZ31 and AZ61 Magnesium Alloy
C.J. Huang1);C.M. Cheng2);C.P. Chou1) and F.H. Chen2) 1) Department of Mechanical Engineering;National Chiao Tung University;Hsinchu 300;Taiwan;China 2) Department of Industrial Education;National Taiwan Normal University;Taipei 106;Taiwan;China
Influence of Processing Parameters on the Strength of Air Brazed Alumina Joints Using Aluminium Interlayer
A. Ibrahim and F. Hasan Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering;University of Engineering and Technology;Lahore;Pakistan
Effect of Melt Superheating Treatment on Directional Solidification Interface Morphology of Multi-component Alloy
Changshuai Wang;Jun Zhang;Lin Liu and Hengzhi Fu State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing;Northwestern Polytechnical University;Xi an 710072;China
Effects of Impurity on Microstructure and Hardness in Pure Al Subjected to Dynamic Plastic Deformation at Cryogenic Temperature
F. Huang;N.R. Tao and K. Lu Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science;Institute of Metal Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shenyang 110016;China
Friction Stir Welding of Al Alloy Thin Plate by Rotational Tool without Pin
Liguo Zhang1;3);Shude Ji1);Guohong Luan2);Chunlin Dong2) and Li Fu4) 1) School of Aerospace Engineering;Shenyang Aerospace University;Shenyang 110136;China 2) China FSW Center;Beijing 100024;China 3) Shenyang Aircraft Design & Research Institute;Shenyang 110035;China 4) State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering;Xi an Jiaotong University;Xi an 710049;China
Mathematical Analysis on the Uniqueness of Reverse Algorithm for Measuring Elastic-plastic Properties by Sharp Indentation
Yongli Huang1);Xiaofang Liu1);Yichun Zhou1);Zengsheng Ma1) and Chunsheng Lu2) 1) Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Materials and Application Technology of Ministry of Education;and Faculty of Materials;Optoelectronics and Physics;Xiangtan University;Xiangtan 411105;China 2) Department of Mechanical Engineering;Curtin University;Perth;WA 6845;Australia
Fatigue Behavior of HDPE Composite Reinforced with Silane Modified TiO2
C.X. Dong1;2);S.J. Zhu1);Mineo Mizuno3) and Masami Hashimoto3) 1) Department of Intelligent Mechanical Engineering;Fukuoka Institute of Technology;Fukuoka;811-0295;Japan 2) Nanomaterials Laboratory;Beihua University;Jilin;132013;China 3) Japan Fine Ceramics Center;Nagoya;456-8587;Japan
Thermodynamic Aspects of Nanostructured CoAl Intermetallic Compound during Mechanical Alloying
S.N. Hosseini;T. Mousavi;F. Karimzadeh and M.H. Enayati Department of Materials Engineering;Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Institute;Isfahan University of Technol- ogy;84156-83111;Iran