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Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute
2015 Issue 10
Failure Modes Classification and Countermeasures of Loess Collapse in Northern Shaanxi Area
PENG Jun;,LI Xiang-yu;,YAN Rui-xin;,MA Xiao-li;
Application of High-density Electrical Methods to the Survey of Geo-hazards in Pilu Cave
WANG Jin-hai;,CAI Zhi-jie;,SU Wen-jun;,WU Rui;,YU Zhong-hong;
Prediction of Dam Settlement Using Metabolism BP Neural Network and Markov Chain
WAN Chen;,LI Jian-feng;,ZHAO Yong;,ZHANG Jin-long;
Time-Series Model of Landslide Displacement Prediction Based on the Characteristics of Inducing Factors
HUANG Li;,LUO Wen-qiang;,LI Fei-ao;,LIU Xiao-shan;
A Review of Fish Passage Facilities for Downstream Migrants
ZHU Hai-feng;,LIU Liu;,LU Bo;,LUO Jia;,WANG Yu;,QIAO Ye;,LIU De-fu;,SHI Xiao-tao;
Hydraulic Characteristics of a Stepped Spillway at High Altitude
YANG Ji-jian;,LIU Han-sheng;,ZHANG Wei-fa;,DAI Shu-bing;
Experimental Study on the Hydraulic Characteristics of Spillway Constructed with Rubber Dam
LIU Dan;,SUN Xi-huan;,SHI Ji-zhong;,Li Yong-ye;
Method of Calculating the Hydraulic Jump Equation of X-shape Flaring Gate Pier
DAI Shu-bing;,LIU Han-sheng;,JIAN Yue;,YANG Ji-jian;,BIAN Xiao-wei;
Comparison among High-resolution TVD Schemes for Water Hammer Numerical Simulation
DONG Yu;,LIU Han-sheng;,CAO Chang-chong;
Deformation Characteristics and Failure Mechanism of Material-yard Slope at Jinping Hydropower Station
HUANG Zhi-peng;,TANG Hui-ming;,DONG Zhi-hong;,YIN Jian-min;,GUO Xi-feng;
Blasting Test and Analysis of Stone Quarrying for Rock-fill Dam of Houziyan Hydropower Station
YANG Chen-guang;,ZHONG Quan;,LENG Zhen-dong;,YAN Peng;,LU Wen-bo;
Deteriorating Effect of Wetting and Drying Cycles on Bank Slope’s Siltstone Properties
LIU Xiao-hong;,ZHU Jie-bing;,ZENG Ping;,WANG Bin;
Seismic Dynamic Characteristic of Hydraulic Tunnel in Jointed Rock Based on UDEC
BAO Lei;,CHEN Chun-wu;,PAN Kun;,LUO Xiao-qin;,ZHANG Jin;,LEI Jin-sheng;
Inversion of Compressive Rheological Parameters Using Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm
WANG Zhong-hao;,ZHOU Huo-ming;,LI Wei-shu;,LU Yang;
Sensitivity Analysis of Mechanical Parameters of Viscoplastic Rheological Model
ZHOU Xian-qi;,ZHAO Hua-li;,CHEN Zi-li;
Failure Mechanism of Rock Slope under Earthquake
NI Zhen-qiang;
Test on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Lime-Flyash Stabilized Weathered Sand
YANG Jun;,ZHU Chang-wei;,ZHANG Guo-dong;
Correlation Analysis of Dayangshan Rock Strength in Suzhou
SHAO Yong;,YAN Chang-hong;,MA Qing-hua;
Dynamic Splitting Test Based on Acoustic Emission Parameters of Different Graded Concrete
ZOU San-bing;,HU Wei-hua;,HUANG Shi-chao;,PENG Gang;
Stress-strain Curves of Plastic Concrete under Cyclic Loading
LIU Lu-lu;,CHANG Fang-fang;,XIE Wei;,WANG Xue-kui;
Land-cover Classification Based on HJ1B and ALOS Data
WANG Xin-yun;,TIAN Jian;,GUO Yi-ge;,HE Jie;
A Point Accuracy Assessment Model in Consideration of Incident Angle for Point Cloud
ZOU Shuang-chao;,YE Min-lv;,HUA Xiang-hong;