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Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute
2010 Issue 8
Improved TOPSIS Model and Its Application in Safety Assessment of Sewage Irrigation
zhu ming run ; qiao ming ye ; liang shi kui ; wang xue chao
xin xi dong tai
Study on Soil Loss Characteristics and Different Preventive Measures in Chishui River Basin
zou xiang ; xue xiao hong ; zhao jian
Understanding on Large-scale Geological Anomalous Body on Left Abutment of Some Dam on Jinsha River
wang qi guo ; liu gao feng ; yan yi qiang ; hu yan ping ; hou qin li
Prediction of Precipitation Change in Poyang Lake Basin
guo jia li ; guo sheng lian ; guo jing ; chen hua
Quantitative Assessment on Mining Geological Environment in Huangshi City with GIS and RS
yang qing hua ; li yi ; du jun
Application Study on Extracting Karst Area\'s River System by Digital River Basin Assisted DEM
chen wang ; deng ya dong ; liang hong ; xie xiao yun ; li jin yi
Research Progress in Technology of Reducing Difficulty f Vertical Closure
li xue hai ; han ji bin ; cheng zi bing
Simulation of Sudden Blow in Diversion Tunnel of Some Hydropower Station
xu dong dong ; zuo ai qing ; sun yu jie
Comparative Test Study on Sandy Pebble Soil Static-dynamic Behaviors
he jian ping ; peng xing zhi ; zu zuo ; wu huai zhong
Discussion on Generalized Tangential Method Led in Nonlinear Failure Criterion in Upper Boundary Limit Analysis
zhao lian heng ; li liang ; dan han cheng ; luo su ping ; ren dong ya
Ecological Footprint Assessment of Dahuofang Reservoir Impact on River Ecosystem Service Function
cao yong qiang ; zhang wei na ; zhang lin ; you hai lin