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Journal of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute
2006 Issue 1
Groundwater Seepage Tracer below Cutoff Wall and Impervious Blanket for Jicun Hydraulic Power Station
LIU Jian-gang;ZHENG Ke-xun;XIAN Yun-shang;CHEN Jian-sheng;CHEN Liang
3D FEM of Strength Reduction Method Considering Coupling Among Seepage and Expanse and Stress
WEI Li-de;GAO Chang-sheng;YANG Chun-he
Complementary Benefit Analysis of United Operation in Three-Gorges and Qingjiang Cascade Hydropower Stations
GAO Shi-chun;WAN Biao;MEI Ya-dong;ZHANG Xue-gui;ZHANG Wen-xuan
Development of Measuring Instrument for 3-D River Bed Model Topography
MA Zhi-min;FAN Bei-lin;XU Ming;WU Xin-sheng;ZHAO Xiao-hong
Influences of Foundation Changes on Behaviors of Large Prestressed Concrete Inverted Siphon
PEI Song-wei;LIU Shu-yu;ZHAO Shun-bo;LI Xiao-ke
Numerical Simulation of Double Faced Upright Embankment Novel Structure
CHEN Yue-shun;WEI JUN;YANG Xiao-yun;YU Tian-qing
Multi-potential Surface Model Based on Stress and Its Improvement of Determination of Parameters
LIU Zheng;JIE Yu-xin;YANG Guang-hua;LI Guang-xin
Development on Water Environment Management Information System Based on COM Technology
ZUO Yi-ming;CUI Guang-bai;DING Xian-yong;GU Ling-yu;WANG Gang
Experimental Study on Riprap Protection of Slope
YAO Shi-ming;LU Jin-you
Analysis on Turbulence Characteristics of Flow in Rectangle Flume
LIU Ai-ming;XU Hai-tao;LU Jin-you
Study on Energy Dissipation Characteristics of Stepped Spillway
LU Fang-chun;SHI Bin;BAO Zhong-jin
Theoretical Analysis on Relation Between Configuration and Pressure Changes of Outlet of Pressure Tunnel
TONG Hai-hong;AI Ke-ming;HU Xu-yue;DING Xin-qiu
Hydraulics Research on Flood-Releasing Regulation of TGP
CHE Qing-quan;GUO Hong-min;CHEN Hui