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Well Logging Technology
2000 Issue 2
Software Troubleshooting of the File System in ECLIPS
Xiong Yongli
The Design of Ultra-law Power Borehole Monitor Tool
Liu Dijun;Feng Qining
Experimental Study on JLS-Φ25 Packer Type Baskest Flowmeter-Fluid Capacitance Tool in Deviated Well
Zhao Zhongjian;Wang Peilie;Mei Jibing
Application of FORWARD Platform in Jiangsu Oifield
chen guo zuo ; zhu yue rong ; jin qiu ming ; cao jian ; chen jian qing
Dielectric Logging Data Correction and Its Qualitative Evaluation of Oil/Water Bed
ding yu jiao ; wu shu qin ; li qing he ; wen ai guo
Application of Minilog Curves to Distinguishing Special Oil Reservoir
Zhang Luhui;Liu Guoming
On Application of Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Log Data
Cai Xiyuan;Li Lirong;Liu Zhiyun
Contamination Control of Injection Profile Log and its Correction
He Maodong;Qin Yuanqing
On Interpretation Methods for Watered-out Zong by C/O Logs
huang hong cai ; jia wen yu ; tan hai fang ; chen jiong
On Prediction of Sedimental Sand Body with Fluvial Facies
Song Yonglin
On Oil-Water Coexistence state of Heterogemous Viscous Oil Preservoir
Wang Lingkui;Li Qunde;Du Haipeng;Zhong Zulan;Chai Liwen
On Streaming Potential of Reservoir By Using Capillary Electrokinetic-hydrodynamic Model
Fang Wenjing;Guan Jiteng;Wang Diansheng
The Effect of Reservoir Temperature on the Parameters of Archie Formula
deng shao gui ; bian rui xue ; fan yi ren ; liu bing kai ; zhang li peng
Experiments on Dielectric Log in Jidong Oifield
Gao Weiguo;Xie Ranhong