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Journal of Yangtze University(Natural Science Edition)
2015 Issue 26
Comprehensive Identification of Maturity of Condensate Oil with Multiple Parameters ——By Taking A Structural Belt of East China Sea Basin for Example
Tang Youjun;Li Mengru;Gao Menglian;Ma Xiaofeng;Wei Min;Wen Ying;Zhang Kun;Institute of Petroleum Resources and Environment;Yangtze University;School of Earth Environment and Water Resources;Yangtze University;
Source Rock Geochemical Features of Permian Lucaogou Formation of Well JZK 1 in the Southern Margin of Junggar Basin
Pang Jianchun;Xu Yaohui;Ma Kecong;Ma Li;Ke Changwei;Fang Qiuming;Feng Bo;Key Laboratory of Exploration Technologies for Oil and Gas Resources;Ministry of Education;School of Earth Environment and Water Resources;Yangtze University;
Selection of Natural Gas Enriched Areas in Bloch Su 54 of Sulige Gas Field
Jiao Xiaoni;The Fourth Gas Production Plant;Changqing Oilfield Company;PetroChina;
Review of Current Situation of Unconventional Oil and Gas Exploration and Development
Xu Xin;Hou Yuguang;Faculty of Resources;China University of Geosciences;
Methodological Study on Small Channel Sand Body of Inner Front Facies Based on Well-Seismic Integration
Yang Chunsheng;Research Institute of Exploration and Development;Daqing Oilfield Co.Ltd.;PetroChina;
The Key Technology for Processing Shallow Gas Reservoirs in Daqing Changyuan Oilfield and Its Application
Wang Yangyang;Research Institute of Exploration and Development;Daqing Oilfield Co.Ltd.;PetroChina;
Application of Digital Acoustic Amplitude Ratio Method for Horizontal Well Evaluation in Carbonate Reservoirs
Zhang Chengsen;Zhang Zhang;Wu Xingneng;Xu Danian;Yuan Changjian;Han Dongchun;Cao Jiangning;Research Institute of Exploration and Development;Tarim Oilfield Company;PetroChina;
Formation Lithological Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Based on Three Porosity Compound Variables
Fan Xiangyu;Yang Yang;Duan Meiheng;Zhao Pengfei;Liu Lu;Xu Fenglin;The State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation;Southwest Petroleum University;School of Oil and Gas Engineering;Southwest Petroleum University;
On Resistivity Change Characteristics of Water Flooded Rocks in Nanpu Sag
Tian Xiaodong;Zeng Yusheng;Li Ying;Research Institute of Exploration and Development;Jidong Oilfield Company;PetroChina;
Optimized Design of Well Structure for Slim Hole Drilling in Missan Oilfield
Wu Yi;Hou Shaohong;Liu Haihan;Yin Fei;CNOOC Energy Technology &Services-drilling & Production Co.;
Shale Gas Drilling Technique Used in Well Xinye HF-2
Zhang Zhen;Zhou Chenghua;Tian Changchun;Research Institute of Drilling Engineering;Southwest Petroleum Engineering Co.Ltd.;SINOPEC;
Study on Clay-free Brine Reservoir Drilling Fluid System
Mu Yunlong;Liu Weihong;Wang Lei;Yang Peilong;CNOOC Iraq Limited;
Study on the Non-Darcy Spontaneous Imbitition Model for Low Permeability Reservoirs
Li Yongming;Ma Hanwei;Peng Yu;Wang Yanchen;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploration;Southwest Petroleum University;
Optimized Design of Flow Aided Lifting with Casing Gas
Li Junliang;Liao Ruiquan;Luo Wei;School of Petroleum Engineering;Yangtze University;
Method for Calculating Temperature Field in Stratified Gas Injection Wells with Concentric Dual Tubes
Zhang Zhao;Chi Ming;Zhao Haiyan;Wang Mingfeng;School of Petroleum Engineering;Yangtze University;
Optimization of Advanced Water Injection Scheme for Low Permeability Reservoirs in Block Yuan 271 of Yongle Oilfield
Wang Lidong;No.7 Oil Production Plant;Daqing Oilfield Co.Ltd.;PetroChina;
Optimization Design of Sand Control Parameter for Gravel Packing Based on Sand Control Simulation Device
Zhang Lei;Cao Yanfeng;Pan Hao;General Research Institute;CNOOC;
Technology for Casing Repair in Offshore Oilfields ——By Taking Well F31 of QHD 32-6 Oilfield for Example
Wang Huanan;Liu Dongming;QHD32-6 Operating Company;CNOOC China Limited;
Technical Study of Expansion Waterflooding in Offshore Weak Consolidated Sandstone Reservoirs
Peng Chengyong;Xu Kangtai;Yu Jifei;Cao Yanfeng;Wang Lei;Cui Nan;General Research Institute;CNOOC;
Technologies Cooperated for All System as Automatic Slurry Blending in A New Type of Cementing Truck
Wang Xin;Tian Caixia;Equipment Department;Great Wall Drilling Company;CNPC;
Design and Implementation of A Digitalized Monitoring Platform for Stimulation in Oil and Water Wells
Yang Feng;Yang Hao;Wei Jiangwei;Zhang Jinke;No.5 Oil Production Plant;Changqing Oilfield Company;PetroChina;