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Journal of Yangtze University(Natural Science Edition)
2014 Issue 17
sui bu tao dai zhe guang dui shui dao chan liang de ying xiang
jiang shou wen ; ai tian cheng ; xu rong rong ;
Effects of Different Density on Wheat Yield in Jianghan Plain
CHEN Hui-fu;WANG Xiao-yan;GAO Chun-bao;ZHAO Xiao-yu;TANG Cheng;College of Agronomy;Yangtze University;Engineering Research Center of Ecology and Agricultural Use of Wetland;Ministry of Education;Institude of Food Crops;Hubei Academy of Agricultural Science;
Study on Isolating Pathogen and Distribution of Eggplant Verticillium Wilt in Protective Cultivation Soil
LEI Yu-ming;ZHANG Jian-chao;XING Hui-qin;FEI Yong-xiang;MENG Yan;College of Agriculture and Biotechnology;Hexi University;Key Laboratory of Hexi Corridor Rosources Utilization of Gansu Universities;Agricultural Institute of Hexi Oasis;Zhangye Plant Protection and Quarantine Station Gansu Province;
he tao yu shang zu zhi you dao ji fen hua pei yang yan jiu jin zhan
cai xiao dong ; cao wen juan ;
Research on Road Green Landscape and Architecture Design in Urban Fringe Based on Low Impact Design
GUO Xiao-hua;ZHANG Tong-kai;College of Horticulture and Gardening;Yangtze University;College of Architecture and Urban Planning;Tongji University;
Study on Landscape Renewal of Quangang Petrochemical Industrial District
CHEN Jian-qing;PAN Dong-ming;College of Horticulture;Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University;
Discussion on Problems and Countermeasures in the Development of Ecological Tourism in China
LI Ying;College of Horticulture and Gardening;Yangtze University;
Study on Factors of Tourist Loyalty under Experience Economy——Take the ancient city of Jingzhou tourism as example
LUO Qi;HE Ke-ke;College of Technology and Engineering;Yangtze University;College of Mechanical Engineering;Yangtze University;
Study on Characteristics and Dynamics of Phytoplankton Flora in Mining Subsidence Fish Ponds
TIAN Gong-tai;DU Xing-hua;XU Guo-jing;GONG Jun-xia;ZHANG Jin-lu;ZHANG Ming-lei;LI Ming;LI Min;MA Ya-mei;DUAN Deng-xuan;WANG Chun-sheng;Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Shandong Province;College of Life;Shanghai Ocean University;Fishery Technology Extending Stations in Yutai of Shandong Province;
Population GeneticVariation in Three Procambarus clarkia Populations of Shandong Province by RAPD
ZHANG Long-gang;YANG Ling;LIU Yu-qing;DONG Xue-sa;ZHU Yong-an;FU Pei-sheng;Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Shandong Province;Shandong Provincial Key Lab for Genetics and Breeding of Freshwater Fisheries;
zhi wu kang han sheng li yan jiu jin zhan
shen xian hui ; liu gang ;
Effect of Petroleum Pollutant in Soil on Growth of Maize and Wheat in Huabei Oilfield
XIAO Yi;LI Xian-mei;WEI Zheng-wei;WU Yun-zi;JIN Tao;ZHOU Jian-li;TIAN Ying-bing;College of Agronomy;Yangtze University;
Primary Research on Alternanthera philoxeroides Invasion Control Effect with Physical Treatment Methods
CHEN Zhong-yi;CHEN Yan-li;LI Hua-cheng;Department of Horticulture and Gardening;Yangtze University;
Study on Extraction and Moisture Retention of Polysaccharides fromVolvariella volvacea
ZHA Zheng-qi;LIU Cun-chang;ZHENG Wen-chao;ZHANG Xiao-long;SUN Yu-jun;College of Life Science;Anhui Science and Technology University;
Effect of Sodium Carboxymethyl Starch on Quality of Deep-frozen Rice Dumpling
SHAO Xiao-wen;XU Zhen-ming;TIAN Zhi-hong;College of Life Science;Yangtze University;Hubei Daya Chemical & Technology Development Co.Ltd;Hubei Daya Chemical and Technology Development Co.Ltd;
Analysis of Current Situation and Countermeasures of Food Safety in China
FENG Xue-hua;ZHANG Guo-sheng;HUANG Rong-rong;College of Pharmaceutical Science;Anhui Xinhua University;
nong di zi yuan de shi chang hua pei zhi yan jiu
zhao yi na ;
nong cun cheng zhen hua bei jing xia ti gao nong min san da neng li de ruo gan si kao
chen hua feng ; li zhi xin ; sun wen xue ; huang yu hua ;
zhang zuo nong ye ke ji si xiang tan xi
li jian ; liao da wei ;
yuan lin zhuan ye 3+1 ren cai pei yang mo shi tan jiu
zhou ming qin ;
she shi yuan yi xue ke cheng jiao xue gai ge yu shi jian zai tan
zhu jin ; liu le cheng ;
ji xie zhi zao ji shu ji chu ke cheng jiao xue gai ge de tan tao
chen yi hou ; zuo man cang ; zhu xiao qin ;
yi jiu ye wei dao xiang chuang xin gao deng zhi ye yuan xiao huan jing wei sheng wu xue jiao xue
yang wan hong ; zheng e xiang ; pan li yan ; fang ying ;
jia qiang shi yan jiao xue zhong xin guan li cu jin chuang xin ren cai pei yang
han xiu lan ; gao long yin ; song xian liang ; li sheng fu ; guo feng fa ; huo xue hui ;
ben ke sheng dao shi zhi de shi jian yu si kao
he pu ming ; xu hui ; yang qing fang ;
gao xiao ban zhu ren gong zuo zhong zai yin dao
lu xiao qin ;
li yong wang luo xin xi zi yuan kai zhan yan jiu xing xue xi de si kao
li bing lian ; liu wen qiong ; li bing hui ; li dong sheng ;