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Journal of Geomatics
2016 Issue 6
Requirements,Applications and Challenges of Spatio-Temporal Big Data Processing
BIAN Fuling;DU Jiangyi;MENG Xiaoliang;International School of Software;Wuhan University;Computer School of Hubei University of Technology;
Review of Ground-Based SAR Interferometry for Deformation Measurement
ZOU Jingui;ZHANG Shiyong;LI Qin;ZHANG Hongbo;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;Key Laboratory of Precise Engineering &Industry Surveying;National Administration of Surveying;Mapping and Geoinformation;Liaoning Provincial College of Communications;
Improvement of Tracking Performance of GNSS Signal with Different Precision IMU in Ultra-tightly Combination
GUOQiang;YIN Yehong;XUAN Yang;China Shipbuilding Industry Corp No.717 Research Institute;
Improvement of Zero Velocity Detection Method in Vehicle GNSS/SINS Integrated Navigation
SONG Yu;ZHU Feng;LU Liguo;LIU Wanke;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;
Construction of Guangzhou BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Continuously Operating Reference Station
ZHU Jianwei;YUAN Guohui;WEN Kangfeng;Guangzhou Surveying and Mapping Institute for Real Estate;The First Surveying and Mapping Institute of Hunan Province;
Quasi-Linear Vector Module Method for Inertial Sensors Calibration of Smart Phone
YU Qianyong;LIU Zhiping;NASG Key Laboratory of Land Environment and Disaster Monitoring;China University of Mining and Technology;China Shipbuilding Industry Institute of the Engineering Investigation & Design Co.;Ltd.;
K Nearest Neighbor Algorithm Based on Adaptive K Value Selection
YAN Zhongya;WANG Yunjia;LIU Keqiang;WANG Xingfeng;NASG Key Laboratory of Land Environment and Disaster Monitoring;China University of Mining and Technology;School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics;China University of Mining and Technology;
Distinguishing Road Bridges in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
JIA Yonghong;ZHOU Mingting;FENG Zaimei;LUO Lun;YANG Ke;School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering;Wuhan University;State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;China Transport Telecommunications &Information Center;
An ACO Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Classification Considering Correlation Among Adjacent Pixels
LUOHaiyan;LIAO Fang;ZHENG Wenwu;DENG Yunyuan;The First Surveying and Mapping Institute of Hunan Province;College of City and Tourism;Hengyang Normal University;Cooperative Innovation Center for Digitalization of Cultural Heritage in Ancient Villages and Towns;
Research on Water Information Auto-Extraction with Object-Oriented Remote Sensing Image——Taking Tibet (East) Region as an Example
LI Qin;YANG Chunhua;LIANG Xuesong;WANG Zhifu;Chongqing Institute of Surveying and Mapping;NASG;Sanya Surveying and Mapping Technology Center of Development and Service;NASG;Jiangsu Province Surveying and Mapping Engineering Institute;
Analysis of the Period Characteristic and Correlation of Precipitation Water Vapor and Precipitation over Southwest China
HE Yadong;YAO Yibin;XU Chaoqian;QIAN Chaoqun;ZHU Jianshu;School of Godesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;Jiaxing Planning & Research Institute Co.;Ltd.;Beihai Land and Resources Information Center;
Analysis of Surface Temperature Variation over the Tibetan Plateau from 1979 to 2014
PENG Hai;YAO Yibin;LEI Xiangxu;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;
Study of Flood Risk Assessment of DaHuoai,LamDong in Vietnam
TUNG Nguyen Xuan;LUO Nianxue;CHEN Zi;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;
Research on Ambiguity Resolution and Error Extraction of Network RTK
TAN Xianke;HUANG Jinsong;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;Yitongxingyun Science and Technology Development Co.;Ltd.;
Comparison and Analysis of Two Troposphere Delay Models
HU Yunlong;LI Bo;LIU Huaqiao;HUANG Zudeng;Tianjin Institute of Surveying and Mapping;
Application of Remote Sensing Information Technology in Railway Survey and Design
WANG Lixing;China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co.;Ltd.;
Rapid Manufacturing Method of Nationwide Digital Orthophoto Map Based on ZY-3 Satellite Imagery
ZHANG Jing;YANG Bo;WANG Mi;LONG Xiaoxiang;State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying;Mapping and Remote Sensing;Wuhan University;China Center for Resources Satellite Data & Application;
Automatic Mapdrawing of Remote Sensing Images Based on Canny Edge Detection Algorithm
LIU Nian;The First Surveying and Mapping Institute of Hunan Province;
Research on High-Precision Calibration of Sight Vane
LU Shu;DONG Zhiyong;96319 Troops;
Research on Graphic Conversion Method and Software Development Based on DWG File
WANG Yanlin;LIU Hongfei;WANG Lihua;ZHOU Dingjie;Surveying and Mapping Engineering Institute of Yunnan Province;
Study of Multi-Source Data DEM Production
YU Hongju;WU Chenyao;ZHOU Junyuan;GAO Ling;LI Yongchao;Surveying and Mapping Engineering Institute of Hubei Province;
Design of Connectivity Analysis Algorithm for Drainageline Based on Breadth First Search
LIU Tianqing;YU Chunhui;The First Surveying and Mapping Institute of Hunan Province;
Design and Implementation of Software for Digital City Mobile Application Server
CHEN Xin;ZHOU Sili;The First Surveying and Mapping Institute of Hunan Province;
Design and Development of the Course Design System for Engineering Geodesy
LIAN Dajun;YAN Yong;ZHENG Liujiang;SHEN Jun;School of Environmental Science and Engineering;Suzhou University of Science and Technology;