Fit Height Basis for GPS Leveling
LIU Da jie 1;2 ; YAO Lian bi 1;2 ; ZHOU Quan ji 3 (1.Tongji University; Shanghai 200092;China;2.Geodynamic Laboratory; Institute of Geodesy and Geophy sics;CAS; Wuhan 430077;China;3.The Third Institute of Surveying and Designing; Ministry
Inversion of Mechanism of Active Faults by Deformation Data
WU Ji cang 1; CHEN Yong qi 2; XU Cai jun 3 (1.Department of Surveying and Geo Informatics; Tongji University;Shanghai 200092;China; 2.Department of LSGI; The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Hong Kong; China; 3.Wuhan Technical University