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Acta Agrectir Sinica
2001 Issue 3
Studies on the efficiency of Italian ryegrass utilization in pig feeding
zhang xin yue ; li yuan hua ; ye zhi song
A comparison on salt tolerance of 28 breeds of cold type lawn grass
liu hu jun ; guo you zuo ; wang ji he ; hu ming gui ; yang zi hui
Effect of VA mycorrhiza on the turfgrass quality and mineral nutrient uptakes
bian xiu ju ; hu lin ; li xiao lin ; zhang fu suo
Analysis of peroxidase isozymes of Elymus dahuricus, Hordeum brevisubulatum and their hybrid F1 and BC1
li zao zhe ; ma qing zhi ; yun jin feng ; yu zhuo ; li zao zhe
RAPD analysis for male-sterile line, R-line and F1 hybrid of Pennisetum americanum
zhong xiao xian ; bai shu juan ; gu hong ru ; zhou wei xing ; cheng yun hui ; ding cheng long ; ren li juan ; xiang yang hai
Intrinsic redundancy in plant communities
zhang rong ; sun guo jun