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Journals   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Journal of Chengdu University Of Information Technology
2002 Issue 4
Research of applications of Excel statistical function
tang shi xiong
The Analysis of Part Spectrum Characteristic use New DDC Algerithm
gao zuo ; wang jun
Approaches to digital image enhancement and their implementations by Visual C++6.0
xia ming hua ; zhang yan sheng
Numerical system of numerical weather forecast operation in Wuhan region
gong xian chuang ; fan hong fei ; yu kang qing ; wang hong ji
Research of a intelligent flow totalizer of high performance
zhang yu ping ; wang bao qiang
Optimal gray GM(1,1) model based on genetic algorithm and its verification
deng xin min ; zhang ming ; zou chang wu
Analysis of aircraft momentum loss by strokes of raindrops
cheng xiao kang
Features of agricultural resources in Baiyin and their applications
chen shao yong ; he shi bo ; he hong mei
Outline of modern management of goods flow
huang zong jie
Transmission of culture in language teaching
yang ru