Rock-forming and ore-forming ages and significance of Taqian Mo(W)deposit,Leping,Jiangxi,China
HU Zheng-hua;LIU Dong;LIU Shan-bao;LANG Xing-hai;ZHANG Jia-jing;CHEN Yu-chuan;SHI Guang-hai;WANG Yi-yun;LEI Tian-hao;NEI Long-min;SHA Min;GONG Liang-xin;LIU Zhan-qing;College of Earth Science;Chengdu University of Technology;Jiangxi Institute of Geological Survey;Institute of Mineral Resources;Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;Law Enforcement and Supervision Office of Department of Land and Resources of Jiangxi Province;School of Earth Sciences and Resources;China University of Geosciences;School of Earth Sciences;Guilin University of Science and Engineering;
Prospecting future of gold deposits in Manzhanggang area,Xinhai,Qinghai,China
LI Hua;YANG Qi-an;ZHANG Da-ming;LI Heng-heng;ZHANG Hai-qing;YANG Zuan-yun;Qinghai Geological Survey;The Fifth Institution of Qinghai Geological Mineral Prospecting;The Third Institution of Qinghai Geological Mineral Prospecting;The Forth Institution of Qinghai Geological Mineral Prospecting;The 606 Team of Sichuan Metallurgy Geology Exploration Bureau;
Quantitative research of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation by restoring paleo-hydrodynamic field
LI Zhong-quan;PENG Ji;YING Dan-lin;YING Wen-feng;LI Ying;LONG Wei;State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation;Chengdu University of Technology;Key Laboratory of Tectonic Controls on Mineralization and Hydrocarbon Accumulation;Ministry of Land and Resources;Chengdu University of Technology;Southwest Oil and Gas Field Company of PetroChina;Missouri University of Science and Technology;
Experimental study on CO2 replacement method used in shale gas exploration
ZHANG Guang-dong;ZHOU Wen;JI Shang-ce;LIU Jian-yi;ZHANG Jian;YANG Huo-hai;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation;Southwest Petroleum University;State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation;Chengdu University of Technology;Exploration and Development Research Institute of Tarim Oilfield Company;
Research for radon transient response
ZOU Gong-jiang;GE Liang-quan;ZHAO Jian-kun;GU Yi;LUO Yao-yao;LU Zhen-rui;College of Applied Nuclear Technology and Automation Engineering;Chengdu University of Technology;