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Journal of Changchun Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences)
2007 Issue 1
A Survey on the Dreams in the House of the Seven Gables
XU Qian
Applying Net Corpus-based Approaches to EFL Writing
LI Han-bing;YANG Mei
A Post-colonial Study of The Bluest Eye
A Discussion of Humorous Produce from Pragmatics' Viewpoint
ZHU Xiao-dong
On the Difference of Culture between China and English from Traditional Festival
YANG Chun-li;ZHU Chang-he
Cultural Implication in Chinese and English Names
HE Xiao-hong
The Interaction between Variables in English Reading
JIA Zhi-hao
Paralinguistic Feedback in English Conversation
The Pendulem Aestheticism of A Portrait of Shunkin
MAI Lin-yan
Korean Folk Based on Kamihira Debugging
ZHAI Ji-feng;WANG Li-yan;CUI Zhi
On the Aesthetic Imitation of Music
JI Li-Jing
The Achievement and Disadvantage of "ShuoFu" in JiYi
ZHENG Chun-ying
On the Theme of Novels about Social Feeling in the Late Qing Dynasty
LIU Ming-kun;FAN Xiu-hua
The Process of America Interfering With Tibet Issue
CHENG Zao-xia
Discussion on Political Responsibilities in Crisis Management
On Politics Identification on the Grass-root Level
DING Zhong-fu
"Virtual Reality" Metaphysical Significance
WANG Shu-mei;TU Liang-chuan
Discussion on the Most Significant Relationship Principle
ZHANG Xiao-peng;ZHAO Shu-li
The Role of ASEAN in China's International Strategy
WANG Guang-hou