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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
2015 Issue 5
Oil and Gas Pool-Forming Law and Reservoir Model of LIanos Foreland Basin
Feng Fang;Wang Xiaojie;LüBenxun;Wu Xiaobin;Li Haiyan;Sinopec International Petroleum Exploration and Production Corporation;Xinjiang Guanghui Petroleum Co.;Ltd;School of Energy and Environmental Engineering;Yan’an University;College of Geosciences;China University of Petroleum;
Fracture Characterization and Prediction of Permian Volcanic Reservoir in Northwestern Margin of Junggar Basin:A Case from Jiamuhe Formation of Jinlong 2 Oil Field
He Hui;Kong Chuixian;Jiang Qingping;Deng Xili;Xiao Fangwei;Li Shunming;PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development;Xinjiang Oilfield Company Research Institute of Exploration and Development;
Analysis on Main Controlling Factors of Archaeozoic Weathering Crust Reservoir:With Jiyang and Luxi Area as an Example
Zhang Pengfei;Liu Huimin;Cao Zhongxiang;Tian Meirong;Tang Dong;Ma Shikun;Geological Science Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield;SINOPEC;Exploration Item Management Department of Shengli Oilfield;SINOPEC;
Main Controlling Factors of Natural Gas Accumulation in Carbonate in Fifth Member of Ordovician Majiagou Formation,Mid-Eastern Ordos Basin:Take Well Shaan 200 Area as a Study Example
Xu Bo;Tang Tiezhu;Li Chen;College of Petroleum Engineering;Xi’an Shiyou University;Department of Gasfiled Development;PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company;
Characteristics of Mixed Sedimentations and Diagenesis of Terrigenous Clastic Rock and Carbonate:The Middle Jurassic in the East Qiangtang Basin,Tibet,China
Ma Boyong;Wang Genhou;Li Shanglin;Xu Hongyan;China Geological Survey;College of Geoscience and Mineral Resources;China University of Geosciences;Xi’an Center of China Geological Survey;
Sedimentary Characteristics and Reef-Forming Model of Changxing Formation in Panlongdong Section of Xuanhan,Sichuan
Li Qiufen;Miao Shunde;Jiang Qingchun;Wang Tongshan;Xu Anna;Zhai Xiufen;PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development;CNOOC Research Institute;
Hydrocarbon Evaluation of Carboniferous-Permian Source Rocks in Northeast Jizhong Depression
Qian Zheng;Zhang Songhang;Liang Hongbin;Tang Shuheng;Yang Ning;Research Institute of Exploration and Development;PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company;School of Energy and Resources;China University of Geosciences;
Discussion on Hydrocarbon Migration Based on Characteristics of Inclusions in CarboniferousPermian of Yin’e Basin
Han Wei;Ren Zhanli;Lu Jincai;Wei Jianshe;Zhang Yunpeng;State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics/Department of Geology;Northwest University;Xi’an Center of Geological Survey;CGS;
Improved Simulation Method of Petroleum Inclusions Thermodynamics and Its Application in Hydrocarbon Accumulations
Mao Cui;Chen Yong;Zhou Yaoqi;Ge Yunjin;Wang Youzhi;Zhou Zhenzhu;School of Geosciences;China University of Petroleum;School of Geosciences;Northeast Petroleum University;Research Institute of Shanxi Yanchang Petroleum CO.;LTD.;Exploration and Development Research Institute of Daqing Oilfield Company;PetroChina;College of Geological Science and Engineering;Shandong University of Science and Technology;
Space-Time Distribution,Source Bed and Stratabound Mechanisms of Zn-Pb Deposits in Western Margin of Yangtze Platform
Chen Da;Institute of Geology and Mineral Resource Exploration;Non-Ferrous Metals and Nuclear Industry Geological Exploration Bureau of Guizhou;
Sm-Nd Dating of Hydrothermal Calcites from Jiaoli-Lae Mercury Deposit,Guizhou Province
Wang Jiasheng;Wen Hanjie;Faulty of Land Resource Engineering/Southwest Institute of Geological Survey;Kunming University of Science and Technology;Institute of Geochemistry;Chinese Academy of Sciences/State Key Laboratory of Ore Deposit Geochemistry;
Geochronology and Geochemistry of Trachyandesite of Naozhi Gold Deposit in Yanbian Region,Southern Jinlin Province and Its Geological Significance
Liu Jinlong;Sun Fengyue;Lin Bolei;Wang Guan;Xu Qinglin;Ao Cong;College of Earth Sciences;Jilin University;
Zircon U-Pb Chronology,Geochemical Characteristics and Significance of Diorites in Mining Area of Zhazhalong in Mid-Gangdese
Wei Qirong;Liu Xiaonian;Ding Pengfei;Wang Cheng;Wang Jingyuan;Sun Ji;Zhang Xiaoqiang;Bu Tao;Gao Manxin;Faculty of Earth Resources;China University of Geosciences;
Chronology,Geochemistry,Hafnium Isotope Characteristics and Tectonic Implications of Muztag-Kongur Indosinian Intrusive Rocks
Song Yue;Wang Jian;Liu Jinlin;Bao Zhenyan;College of Earth Sciences;Jinlin University;
Geochemistry and Magma Source Characteristics of the Cretaceous Granites from Xiaoxinancha in Hunchun,Jilin
Fu Changliang;Sun Deyou;Wei Hongyan;Gou Jun;China Aero Geophysical Survey & Remote Sensing Center for Land and Resources;College of Earth Sciences;Jilin University;
Early Cenozoic Altyn Mountains Uplift Recorded by Detrital Zircon Fission Track Age in Northwest Qaidam Basin
Wang Yadong;Zheng Jianjing;Sun Guoqiang;Zheng Youwei;Liu Xingwang;Lanzhou Center for Oil and Gas Resources;Institute of Geology and Geophysics;CAS/Gansu Provincial Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources;Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources Research;Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Geographical and Earth Sciences;University of Glasgow;
Stratigraphic and Paleo-Environmental Evolution of Liaodong Bay Since Late Pleistocene:Evidence from Core LDD7
Sun Rongtao;Zhao Jingtao;Li Jun;Hu Bangqi;School of Resources and Environmental Engineering;Shandong University of Technology;Key Laboratory of Marine Hydrocarbon Resources and Environment Geology;Ministry of Land and Resources;Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology;
Risk Zoning of Earthquake-Induced Landslides Based on Slope Units:A Case Study on Lushan Earthquake
Qiu Dandan;Niu Ruiqing;ZhaoYannan;Wu Xueling;Institute of Geophysics and Geomatics;China University of Geosciences;School of Resource and civil engineering;Wuhan Institute of Technology;
Comparison Between Pressuremeter Test and Uniaxial Compression Test of Frozen Soil
Zhang Hu;Zhang Jianming;Su Kai;Liu Shiwei;State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering;Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute;Chinese Academy of Sciences;
New Harmonic Oscillator Genetic Algorithm for Efficient Groundwater Optimization and Management
Wu Ming;Wu Jianfeng;Shi Xiaoqing;Liu Jie;Chen Gan;Wu Jichun;Department of Hydrosciences;School of Earth Sciences and Engineering;Nanjing University;Center for Water Research;College of Engineering;Peking University;
Interaction of Rock-Brine-Supercritical CO2 in CO2-EGS Reservoir
Na Jin;Xu Tianfu;Wei Mingcong;Feng Bo;Bao Xinhua;Jiang Xue;College of Enviroment and Resources;Jilin University/Key Lab of Groundwater Resources and Environment;Ministry of Education;
Characters of Hydrogen and Oxygen Stable Isotope of Different Water Bodies in Huainan Coal Mining Area
Zhang Lei;Qin Xiaoguang;Liu Jiaqi;Mu Yan;An Shikai;Lu Chunhui;Chen Yongchun;Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment;Institute of Geology and Geophysics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;College of Earth Science;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Engineering Laboratory for Protection of Coal Mine Eco-Environment;Coal Mining National Engineering Technology Research Institute;
Sorption and Desorption of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons onto Loam Soil
Zhang Fengjun;Jia Han;Liu Jialu;Dong Jiaxin;Lu Wei;LüCong;Key Laboratory of Groundwater Resources and Environment;Ministry of Education;Jilin University;Beijing Xiaoqing Environmental Engineering Co.;Ltd.;
Local Plane Wave Decomposition Methods in Different Domain
Gao Cheng;Sun Jianguo;GeoExploration of Science and Technology;Jilin University;Laboratory for Integrated Geophysical Interpretation Theory;Ministry of Land and Resources;
Viscoacoustic Gaussian Beam Prestack Depth Migration
Wu Juan;Chen Xiaohong;Bai Min;State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting;China University of Petroleum;National Engineering Laboratory for Offshore Oil Exploration;China University of Petroleum;
Evaluation of Formation Heterogeneity Using Lorentz Coefficient of Logging Curves
Yue Chongwang;Yang Xiaoming;Zhong Xiaoqin;Pan Baozhi;Wang Fei;School of Geology Engineering and Geomatics;Chang’an University;Research Institute of Exploration and Development;PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company;College of GeoExploration Science and Technology;Jilin University;
A Pixel by Pixel Atmospheric Correction Algorithm and Its Application for MODIS Data Based on 6S Model
Xu Yan;Jiang Qigang;College of GeoExploration Science and Technology;Jilin University;
Application of Integrated Exploration Information System
Yuan Huixiang;WangYanggang;Ren Yongqiang;Wang Chunnü;Liu Na;Development and Research Center of China Geological Suervey;Mineral Exploration Technical Guidance Center of Ministry of Land and Resources;School of Humanities and Economic Management;China University of Geosciences;School of the Earth Sciences and Resources;China University of Geosciences;Esri China Information Technology Co.Ltd;College of Resource Enviroment and Tourism;Capital Normal University;