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Journal of Ship Mechanics
2011 Issue 10
Research on double-tank stabilizers based on passive PD control strategy
JIN Hong-zhang;ZHANG Hong-han
Analysis of cracked Timoshenko beam under free vibration
XU Fu-hou;ZHANG Yu-xiang
Prediction method of astern stopping for large ships
SHEN Ding-an;LIU Hong-mei
Propeller trailing vortex analysis based on PIV experimental data
LI Guang-nian;ZHANG Jun;CHEN Zheng-shou;XIE Yong-he
Study on wave exciting force of horizontal and vertical plate type breakwater
Research on a calculation method of the hull girder strength with long integral superstructure
CHEN Qing-qiang;ZHU Sheng-chang
Influence of different crack size on stress intensity factor of elliptical crack
LI Cheng;TIE Ying;ZHENG Yan-ping
Hydrodynamic analysis of 3-D hydrofoil under free surface and the study on experiment
CHEN Qing-ren;YE Heng-kui;YANG Xiang-hui;FENG Da-kui;GUAN Yan-min
State-of-the-art development of the foreign unmanned submersibles
LIU Zheng-yuan;WANG Lei;CUI Wei-cheng
Study on chaotic motion of ship with water on deck using random Melnikov method
LIU Li-qin;TANG You-gang
Study on radiation problem for a floating vertical cylinder
WANG Dong-jiao
Strength analysis of cylinder and cone shells with varible thickness under static pressure
WANG yong-jun;WAN zheng-quan;SHEN yong-chun
chuan bo li xue gao yue xu zhi
Evaluation and experimental research on floating raft isolation system by vectorial four pole parameter model
ZHANG Feng;XU Shu-hao;YU Meng-sa;LIU Peng
Parametrical equations of stress distribution along weld toe for tubular K-joints under axial loads
SHAO Yong-bo;DU Zhi-fu;Lie Seng Tjhen