Extended use of temozolomide for glioma patients based on MGMT expression pattern: experience of 32 cases
Gang Li1;2;Qun-ying Yang1;Ying Guo3;Yong-gao Mou1;Xiang-heng Zhang1; Qiu-liang Wu4;Shi-ming He2;Liang Wang2;Bao-fu Li2;Fu-qiang Feng2; Pei-gang Ji2;Guo-dong Gao2;Zhong-ping Chen1 State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China: 1.Department of Neurosurgery;3.Clinical Trail Center;4.Department of Pathology;Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center;Guangzhou 510060;P.R.China;2.Department of Neurosurgery;Tangdu hospital;the Fourth Military Medical University; Xi’an 710038;P.R.China
The research progress of gliomatosis cerebri
Zhi-bo Yang1;Xin-ding Zhang1;2 1.Department of Neurosurgery;The Second Hospital;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730030;P.R.China;2.Institute of Neurology;Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730030;P.R.China
Glioma and epilepsy
Zhong Zhang Department of Newrosurgery;Beijing Tiantan Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University; Beijing 100050;P.R.China