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Information on Electric Power
2014 Issue 12
Cost Research of MSW Incineration Power Generation Based on Life Cycle Cost Theory
Ye Xuemin;Wang Feng;Peng Bo;Li Chunxi;School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering;North China Electric Power University;China Power Investment Corporation;
Influence of Burned Blended Coal in Fly Ash on Mercury Adsorption in Flue Gas
Lu Shaokun;Yang Pengfei;Chen Songtao;Gao Zhengyang;Chen Chuanmin;School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering;North China Electric Power University;
Analysis of Utilizing Anti-corrosion Fe-based Amorphous Coating Material with the Flue Gas Waste Heat in the Power Plant Boiler
Lu Jian;Liu Chao;Han Yu;Xu Gang;Shenhua Shendong Power Co.;Ltd.;Xinjiang Midong Thermal Power Plant;National Thermal Power Research Center;North China Electric Power University;
Application of Rough Set in Controlling NO_x Emissions in Coal-fired Power Plant
Li Jianqiang;Jiang Fan;Wang Anming;Pan Wenkai;School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering;North China Electric Power University;
Analysis of Low NO_x Combustion Retrofit for 370 MW Unit
Jia Honglu;Jiangsu Ligang Electrical Power Co.;Ltd.;
Experimental and Numerical Simulation of SO2 Visual-light Photocatalytic Oxidation by V-doping TiO2
Wang Shuqin;Sun Lili;Li Meng;School of Environmental Science and Engineering;North China Electric Power University;
Experimental Study on Fog and Haze Weather Effect on the Corrosion of the Towers
Chen Yingmin;Zhao Jie;Ran Yuqian;Wang Chaofan;School of Environmental Science and Engineering;North China Electric Power University;
Proportional Resonant Control for Two Stage Matrix Converter under Unbalanced Supply Condition
Xiao Erliang;Mo Kang;Chen Zhujie;Department of Electrical Engineering;University of Shanghai for Science and Technology;
Design of Robust Back-stepping Controller for Three-phase PWM Rectifier
Wu Guiliang;Tian Yonggui;Li Xiaoming;Cheng Yingfei;School of Electrical Engineering;Southwest Jiaotong University;Xi’an Railway Vocational and Technical Institute;
Calculation of Short Circuit Current Based on Equipment Graphics Database
Li Xiaolong;Ding Qian;State Grid Hebei Electric Power Company;State Grid Shangqiu;Henan Electric Power Company;
The Research and Application of Alarm Direct-transmission in Power System
Ding Dexin;Shi Jinwei;Yan Yaqi;Power Control Technology Branch;NARI Technology Development Co.;Ltd.;Automation Department;Zhejiang Power Company;Hangzhou 310007;China;
Long Term Scheduling for Optimal Allocation and Sizing of DG Unit Considering Load Variations
Luo Zhenyu;Chen Jiajun;Zhou Yong;Li Yuanbo;Shao Ke;Ice Training Arena of Changchun;School of Electrical and Information Engineering;Changsha University of Science and Technology;
Analysis of the Property Transformer Substation an Empirical Based on Life Cycle Cost Management
Sun Hongbo;Li Jianjie;National Grid Company Shandong Province Power Corporation Binzhou Power Supply Company;