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Electrotechnical Journal
2008 Issue 2
xin xi dong tai
Analysis of Multi-Converter System Based on Novel Converter Transformers
xu jiazhu(hunan university)
Discrepancy of EMI Suppression Effect of Different Spread-Spectrum Signal in Switching Power Converters
zhou weiying(south china university of technology)
Analysis on Electrical Safety of Foreign Drill Rigs From Their Checking Results
li guo hua ; hu tao ; zhang yu hua
cui hua zhuang zhi yan qi lun ji dong li hui shou
wu qing ; he peng
xie bo chao liu jian mo ji qiu jie suan fa yan jiu zong shu
wang xing hua ; yu xin mei
Several Methods to Improve the Reliability of the UPS
liu yang(tianjin petrochemical co.ltd)
xin ying jie neng xing pei dian bian ya qi de yan zhi yu gai zao
li shun zong ; li li ; qi wei hui
The Reviewing of Earthing Route Selection Equipment in Henan Oil Field's Distribution Network
jiang junli(water and electricity plant of henan oil exploration and development bureau)
A Novel PWM Control Method Based on 87C196MC
ping zhaochun(china university of petroleum)
Inverting Control System for Parallel Operation of Distributed Generation
he jianjian(zhejiang university)
Research on a New Intelligent Contactor of Switching Capacitor
chen zhiying(xiamen university of technology)
chan pin
Reconstruction of Lightning Protection in Qilu-Network
niu hongbo(power dispatch of qilu petrochemical corporation)
acs800 bian pin qi zai zuan ji zhong de ying yong
li yu guo
Medium and Long-Term Load Forecasting Method Based on PCA and RBF Network
zhang yao(south china university of technology)
ups yuan cheng jian kong xi tong de she ji yu shi xian
li jian guo ; ling li gang ; li xiao peng
Study of Fault Feeder Detection Based on XBSG Grounding Power System
chen kui(china university of mining & technology)
Application and Analysis of Neutral Resonance Grounding in Oil Field Electricity Networks
dong xiaoli(the henan petroleum prospect bureau hydroelectricity )
kong ya ji ying yong bian pin diao su de jie neng fen xi
ma yong sheng
Research on Characteristics of Signal Radiated From Corona Discharge
yuan qingyun(ordnance engineering college)