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Electrotechnical Journal
2007 Issue 8
Pre-Processing Methods of Multiwaveleand Their Applications in Power System Device Fault Detection
tang huiling (guangdong university of technology)
Research on Contactless Power Supply Technique Based on Detachable Transformer
cheng qihua (najing university of science & technology)
Study on the Shared Ground Electrode of Xiangjiaba Converting Station
li liang (southwest jiaotong university)
The Impact of Nonlinear Load on the Voltage and Current of the Grid
xing ying (the north of china electric power university)
du zhe lai xin
yao mei su lan
ji yu guan lian de dian qi kong zhi she ji
liu xue dong
Research on the Application of PSS/E User-Defined Modeling Technique for Excitation System Modeling
luo ling (huazhong university of science and technology)
ji cheng hua kai guan dian yuan de ruo gan guan jian ji shu
wang zhao an ; chen qiao liang
The System Simulation of Three-Phase Voltage Source Rectifier Based on Simulink
cai changwen (south china university of technology)
dian chi zu jun heng chong dian dian lu yan jiu
wang ming yu ; yu jing
Simulation Study of a Multi-Level 48-Pulse Inverter Based on Phase Shifting Transformer
ye manyuan (east china jiaotong university)
The Research on Reliability of MEMS Sensors Used in Automotive Electric Systems
lv liang (beijing university of posts and telecommunications )
Automatic Control of Distributing Autocontrol System of Neutral Isation Material Field
bao yaping (anyang university of science and technology)
The Design of the Monitoring System for Electric Load Based on CAN BUS
mei ying (beijing jiaotong university)
dui jian zhu dian qi gong cheng shi gong zhi liang yan shou gui fan de ji dian zhi yi he xiu gai yi jian
li zhi rong ; liang zhong yan ; lv zhen kai
chan pin
rong yu ji shu zai gong ye jian zhu huo zai zi dong bao jing xi tong she ji zhong de ying yong
chen ji bin ; zhu xiang qian ; wang jin zhuang
dian qi shu jing she bei bu zhi yu an zhuang
qiu xin lu ; wang su ying
xiao yi hang kong zhang ai deng
tong zuo yong ; li wei
qian tan xie la suo qiao fang lei bao hu zhong de deng dian wei chu li
li xing ; ye ming
Load Characteristic Identification Based on Separation of Harmonics in Student's Apartments
zheng yu (chongqing university)
ji yu dsp ji shu de zhuang bei yuan cheng shu ju jian ce xi tong she ji
yang xin yu ; chen xi hong
The Design of Circuit in On-Line Monitoring System for Traction Transformer Insulation
tang hao (southwest jiaotong university)
xiao xing ran qi guo lu fang jie neng kong zhi de tan tao
wang shi zhong
Application of Variable Frequency Control in the Mine Incline Hoist
zhang ansheng (changsha engineering & research institute of nonferrous met allurgy)
xin xi xi tong lei dian guo dian ya de spd fang hu
xie she chu
xin xi dong tai
di lun duan si gong cheng ac 660v gong dian ke xing xing tan tao
li dao ben ; chong jie
zhong xue jiao shi zhao ming she ji
han jin lan ; yang chun long
zqz az xing zi dong qi xiang zhan de fang lei yu jie di
chen chun yuan
Design of Intelligence Protection System for Electric Locomotive Auxiliary Motor
shi xueming (beijing jiaotong university)
Nonlinear Excitation Controller Design Based on Lyapunov Function
tang honghai (tsinghua university)
Design of an Audio Transmitter Based on FPGA and Optical Communication
liu zhou (huazhong university of science and technology)