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Electrotechnical Journal
2005 Issue 4
The Design and Implementation of Communication Interface for Elevator Group Control Systems Based on CAN Bus
yu hua(wuhan institute of shipbuilding technology)
Research on Measure Scheme for Transient Voltage of Feeders in Power Distribution Network
zhou niancheng(electrical engineering college of chongqing university)
chan pin ju jiao
ji yu gis de pei dian fu wu xin xi xi tong she ji
yang qin ; xu xue jun ; zeng zhi yuan
The Development and Status Survey for Transformer and High voltage Circuit Breakers Condition Monitoring
fan xingming(dalian university of technology)
Filter Technique in Signal Collection of Cycloconverter-fed Drive System
shou haiming(huazhong university of science and technology)
Realizaton of SVPWM Wave Based on the Overmodulation Theory
xu simeng(fuzhou university)
The Application of IGBT-IPM in the Inverters
xu weiguang (wuhan university)
The Improved Design of APF Drive and Protect Circuit
wang qiang(east china institute technology)
Developing Trends of On load Tap-changer Based on Power Electronic Technology
su zeguang(nanhua university)
High Speed Data Acquisition System Base on CompactPCI Bus for Power System Real-time Phasor Measurement
sha zhiming(north china electric power university)
ji yu nei cun huan chong chi de shi shi pei dian di li xin xi xi tong shu ju ji cheng ji shu yu gong neng she ji
mou nai xia ; xue zhong sheng ; yang liang jie ; zhang ling xian
zheng que xuan ze vpi yong qi
wang zu rong
Study of Relay Protection Characters and Applications in Transformer Substations
ye jianxiong(nanchang university)
The Three-level CUK Circuit with Passive Lossless Snubber
liu zhenlai(hexi university)
jian li dian li gis ping tai de tan tao
zhang yong wei
xin xi dong tai
chu neng ji shu ji qi zai xian dai dian li xi tong zhong de ying yong
cheng shi jie ; wen jin yu ; sun hai shun
The Application of Profibus Protocol Communication in Papermaking
chen jingwen(shanxi university of science & technology)
The Application of CAN & DSP on Frequency Conversion Timin g System
li jianqi(hunan arts and science college)
Multi-agent System and Application in Relay Protection System
chen jinghua(guangdong university of technology)
The Development and Prospect of Line Protection
li ruisheng(xj electric protection & automation business dept )
Research of Identification Arithmetic in TWACS Inbound
cao yanming (wuhan university)
Design of Control System of Stepping Motor Based on CAN Bus
wang wei(beijing jiaotong university)
pei dian di li xin xi zi yuan xi tong
zhao qing zuo ; li ming
ji yu mapx de da qu yu duo bian dian zhan de zong he guan li xi tong she ji yu kai fa
xiang yang ; xu zhi peng ; fang li qian