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Electrotechnical Journal
2003 Issue 4
yi zhong duo gong neng pei bian jian ce yu dong tai wu gong bu chang zong he kong zhi qi
lu can ; zhao jin quan ; liu xiao xian ; ye feng chun
The Electrical Parameter-Gathering System of Large-Scale Wind Turbine Unit
wang chenkai (the institute of electrical engineering; cas)
The Developmetent General Situation of Intelligent Protective Relay
zhao jingying (electrical apparatus institute of hebei university of technology)
dian dong ji de ruan qi dong yu zong he bao hu
guo feng
Study and Application of UPS Power Redundancy Operation
lv meilei (west branch of zhejiang university of technology)
Summary of Conducted EMI in Power Supply Based on CAE/CAD Technology
wu hui(electric engineering college of south china university of technology)
Intelligent Motor Protector And Monitor
xia tianwei (shenyang university of technology)
Application of Feedback Device in Frequency Hoist Control System
xie shulin(beihua universyty)
Design of Software Phase-locked Loop Based on DSP for UPS Application
wu wei(nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics)
Study on Integrated Intelligent Design System of Relay
li lingling (hebei university of technology)
Analysis of Charge Pump Power-Factor- Correction Technology
zhang zuzheng (south china university of technology)
Principle and Development of Technique of New Propulsion
li liyi (ha erbin university of technology)
jie di dian zu ce liang fang fa de tan tao
yao meng jun ; zhao jun hong ; xu bin
di fu he yun xing zhong zhi liu dian ji dian shua de xuan yong
yao jing hong ; yan guo xiang
FM354-Based AC Servo System-Controlled and Implementation
song juming (xuzhou nonnal university)
shuang dian yuan ji jie chu qi de dian qi ji xie lian suo
zhu xi yu ; shou guo chun
chan pin ju jiao
ying yong smc dialog plus de beng kong zhi
yu hong ming
xin xi dong tai
yi zhong xin xing da rong liang gao su kai guan zhuang zhi fsr de ying yong
li lu song ; zou zeng chun ; xu gang
jie di kang gan rao ji shu de tao lun
zuo ; liu wen yan ; deng xin zhong
A New Control Power Supply for AC Server Driver
li sufang (huazhong university of science and technology)