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Radio&TV Teaching
2007 Issue 4
Teacher Training through Online Teaching Platform——Experience from Hong Kong Polytechnic University
ng tingkin (educational development centre; hong kong polytechnic university)
yuan mu xiao ying
yi shi
College Students' Self-regulated Learning Based on Edublog
liu min & zhong zhixian (jiangxi normal university; nanchang jiangxi 330022)
An Analysis of the Cost of the College English Online Course
wu jing (engineering and technology college; hubei university of technology; wuhan hubei 430068)
The Inquiry into the Strategies to Amend the Misconception under the Internet Environment
ren yingjie (bohai university; jinzhou liaoning 121000)
huo che wen hua de lian xiang
li jia hou
Second Life and Digital Game-based Learning Environment
wang xuqing (computer science department; mathematics and science college; shanghai normal university; shanghai 200234)
Research on Construction of the Distance Education and Training System in the Countryside
zheng xiao1 jin longkun2 (1.school of continuing education of zhejiang university; hangzhou zhejiang 310027; 2.zhejiang yueqing agricultural school; yueqing zhejiang 325600)
Multi-media Video Conference System and its Modern Distance Instruction Mode Exploration
zhang binglin & yang gaixue (college of education technology and communication; northwest normal university; lanzhou gansu 730070)
Application of FODEM in Developing Digital Learning Environments in Dispersed Learning Community
huang ying1 & zheng guojun2 (1.educational technology and communication college; northwest normal university; lanzhou gansu 730070; 2.information center; shangrao party institute; shangrao jiangxi 334000 )
The Social Liability of the Modern Distance Education Institution
zhang zhuying & wang yueping (foshan radio and tv university; foshan guangdong 528000)
Levels of Instructional Strategy
m. david merrill 1 sheng qunli 2 hua yuwen2 (1.professor center for instructional technology and outreach brigham young university hawaii professor emeritus utah state university; 2.education college of zhejiang university 310028)
The Study of Mobile Learning in Modern Distance Education
shen yafang ding gejian (college of mathematics physics and information science; zhejiang normal university; jinhua; zhejiang province; 321004)
First Principle of Instruction:Review on Knowledge and Skill
alexander j. romiszowski1 hua yuwen2 sheng qunli2 (1.syrancuse university; 2. education college of zhejiang university; hangzhou zhejiang310028)
Problem Situations in Web-based Course and the Creation Analysis
gao zhiying1 liu xin2 xue zhimei3 (1.jinzhong university teacher s college; jinzhong shanxi 030600; 2.department of education technology; anyang normal university; anyang henan 455000; 3.education department; hebei normal university of science and technology; qinhuangdao hebei 066004)
Design of Experiential Online Course Based on Online Games
li dong & liao longlong (department of information technology; central china normal university; wuhan hubei 430079)
Process Lack in the Distance Education and its Prevention
ping peiyuan ( jiaxing radio and tv university; jiaxing zhejiang 314000 )
Construction of Digital Campus Education Information Flow
qi youdi ( shanghai fuxing senior school; shanghai 200434)
Analysis of Distance Learners' English Learning Motivations and Strategies
zhang jiaodi (lishui radio & television university; lishui zhejiang 323000)
The Comparison of Higher Net Education Between China and Britain and the Commendations
tian fengqiu 1 wang yongfeng 2 wang yining 1 (1.media college of northeastern normal university; changchun jilin 130117; 2.education college of northeastern normal university; changchun jilin 130024)
Performance Assessment:the Effective Learning Assessment Method of Distance Education
wu lan & zhong zhixian (jiangxi normal university; nanchang jiangxi; 330022)