Influence of Some Factors on the Stability of Soft Soil Subgrade
huang yu1; 2; jiang xi-miao1; liu gao3(1.department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china; 2.key laboratory of geotechnical and underground engineering of ministry of education; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china; 3.china southwest geotechnical investigation and surveying and architecture design instituteshanghai branch; shanghai 201206; china)
Risk Analysis of Rock Fall on Freeway
zhou jian-kun1; li gang2(1.china academy of railway science; beijing 100081; p.r.china; 2.department of geotechnical engineering; college of civil engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china)
Study of Prediction in Surrounding Rock Pressure
wang hui1; 2; chen jian-ping1; qiu dao-hong1; que jin-sheng1(1.college of construction engineering; jilin university; changchun 30026; china; 2.geological construction engineering group corporation of guangdong province; guangzhou 510080; china)
Exploration of Safety Factors of the Loess Tunnel
zhang hong1; zheng ying-ren2; yang zhen1; wang qian-yuan1(1.college of science; qingdao technological university; qingdao 266033; p.r.china)(2.department of civil engineering; logistical engineering university; chongqing 400041; p.r.china)
Optimum Analysis of Large-Section Tunnel's Bolts Location by FLAC
zheng jun-jie1; liu xiu-min1; ouyang yuan-ping2; zhang rong-jun1(1.institute of geotechnical and underground engineering; huazhong university of science and technology; wuhan 430074; 2.changjiang institute of survey; planning; design and research; changjiang water resources commission; wuhan 430010)