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Underground Space
2007 Issue 1
Application Study on Shield Tunnel Lining Segment of Fibre Reinforced Concrete
liu feng-jun1; 2; zhu he-hua1; liao shao-ming1; yu ning3(1.department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china; 2.school of architecture engineering; haust; henan luoyang 471003; p.r.china; 3.shanghai shentong group co.ltd.; shanghai 200031; p.r.china)
Numerical Simulation for Dynamical Stress of Buried Pipelines under Explosion Ground Shock Waves
du de-jian; liu zhi-jie; ma shu-guang(air force engineering design and research institute; beijing 100068; china)
Monitoring and Analysis of Soft Soil Treatment of Certain Subgrade (Road 2~#) in South China
cai xiao-hui1; 2(1.school of construction engineering; jilin university; jilin 130026; china; 2.tianjin survey institute; tianjin 300191; china)
Analysis of Progressive Failure for Sliding Zone of Talus Slide
li di; zhang bao-jun; zhang man(yangtze river scientific research institute; wuhan 430010; china)
Study on the Mechanism and Stability of Xiangjiashan Landslide
yin guang-zhi1; 2; feng jin-fu1; liu la-mei3; yan bing-shan4 (1.college of resource and environmental sciences; chongqing university; chongqing 400044; china; 2.key laboratory for the exploitation of southwest resources and the environmental disaster control engineering; ministry of education; chongqing university; chongqing 400044; china; 3.faculty of urban construction & environmental engineering; chongqing university; chongqing 400044; china; 4.chongqing research institute of building science; chongqing 400015; china)
Computer Aided Simulative Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Jet Fan's Lifting Pressure
wen yu-hui1; xie yong-li2; li ning-jun2(1.guangdong highway design institute; guangzhou510507; china; 2.school of highway; chang an university; xi an710064; china)
Research and Application of Integrated Technique with Root Pile and Bag-Form Concrete in Dealing with Underwater Slope
fang jian-rui1; 2; lin yi-guo2; zhuang xiao-ying1(1.college of civil engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china; 2.water conservancy department of fujian province; fuzhou 350001; p.r.china)
Stability Study on the Separate Mound Rock of the Permanent Shiplock of the Three Gorges Project
huang xiao-quan; liu wei-qiang(three gorges invesitigation and research institute; cwrc; yichang 443002; china)
Optimization Analysis of Construction Schemes for Large Span and Small Clear Distance Group Tunnels
zhuang ning1; liao shao-ming1; sun zhong-cheng2; zhu he-hua1(1.department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china 2.china railway the 19th bureau co.ltd; liaoyang 111000; p.r.china)
In-situ Stress Measurement and Analysis for Huizhou Pumped Storage Plant
wang hui-ming1; ai kai2; liu yuan-kun2(1.guangdong design and survey institute of irrigation and hydropower; guangzhou 510000; china; 2.yangtze river scientific research institute; wuhan 430010; china)
Research on Mechanism and Application of Face Stability in Large Slurry Shield Tunneling
wei liang-wen1; zhang qing-he1; deng zhong-yi2(1.department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china; 2.bovis lend lease(shanghai) co.ltd.; shanghai 200031; china)
Experiment and Research on Vibrating Compaction Properties of Soil-aggregate Mixture
kong xiang-chen1; wang jialong2; liu xiao-jia3(1.chongqing communication layout and design institute; chongqing 401147; china; 2.liaoning provincial communications survey & design institute; shenyang 110005; china; 3.school of traffic transport; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china)
Development and Application of Measuring-data Management System Based on GIS for Highway Tunnel
xu xiao-he; zhang yong-xing; ou min; hu ju-yi(college of civil engineering; cqu; chongqing 400045; china)
Application and Research of Composite Supporting System for Deep Excavation
feng qian; zhang guang (college of resource and environment; wuhan university of technology; wuhan 430070; p.r.china)
Function Mechanism of the Compoud Soil Nail Wall and Design Principle
guan fei; yin ji(department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china)
The Application of Ground Treatment in Foundation Excavations
jia jian(the architectural design & research institute of tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china)
CFD Analysis on Critical Velocity of Longitudinal Ventilation for Super Large Horizontal Tunnel
xu lin; zhang xu(hvac & gas engineering institute; tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china)
Staged Monitoring and Its Application in Construction of Four-Lane Highway Tunnel
ding wen-qi1; xie dong-wu1; yan zong-xue2; qu haifeng1(1.department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china; 2.huangpu pearl river bridge construction ltd.; guangzhou 510735; p.r.china)
Research on design of urban tunnel cross-section
li su-yan1; yang dong-yuan1; yang yang1; liu yi1; 2(1.shool of transportation; tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china; 2.shanghai municipal engineering design general institute; shanghai 200092; p.r.china)
Comparison and Analysis of Different Computational Models of Internal Force for DOT Shield-driven Tunnel Lining
hu xin-yu 1; 2 ; zhang zi-xin1; 2(1.key laboratory of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china2.department of geotechnical engineering; school of civil engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china)
Study on the Mechanical Property of Backfill under Split Tension
deng dai-qiang; yao zhong-liang; tang shao-hui(changsha institute of mining research; changsha; hunan 410012; china)
Study on the Law of the Ground-Settlement and Earth Pressure Change of Sheild Tunneling in Shenzhen Metro
wei kang-lin(guangzhou design and research institute of metro; guangzhou 510010; china)
Study on Creep Property of Rock Salt with Mudstone Interlayer
xi bao-ping; zhao yang-sheng; zhao yan-lin; xu su-guo(institute of mining technology; taiyuan university of technology; taiyuan 030024; p.r.china)
Uniaxial Experiment Study on Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Broken Rocks Pre-and-post Grouting
wang han-peng1; gao yan-fa2; li shu-cai1(1.geotechnical and structure research center; shandong university; jinan 250061; p.r.china; 2.school of mechanics and civil engineering; china university of mining and technology(beijing); beijing 100083; p.r.china)
On the Inherent Anisotropic Strength of Sand
yang lin-de; zhang xiang-xia(department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china)
Underground Logistics System——Towards the Sustainable Development of the City
li peng; zhu he-hua; wang xuan; peng fang-le(research center for underground space; tongji university.shanghai 200092; p.r.china)
Rock Mass Pressure Release Rate Analysis for Double-Arch Tunnel
liu tao2; shen ming-rong1; 2; gao wei-jun3; tan du-yong2(1.key laboratory of geotechnical engineering; tongji university shanghai; 200092; china; 2.department of geotechnical engineering; school of civil engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china; 3.shanghai university of engineering science; shanghai 201620; china)
Research on Construction Mechanical Behavior of Large Cross-section Tunnel in Subway Engineering
li wen-jiang; jia xiao-yun; liu zhi-chun(school of civil engineering; shijiazhuang railway institute; shijiazhuang 050043; p.r.china)
Benefit Analysis of Urban Underground Space
luo zhou-quan; liu wang-ping; liu xiao-ming; wu ya-bin; yang-biao(school of resources and safety; central south university; changsha 410083; china)
Cost Control in Underground Structure Group Engineering
ding na-na; li-xuan-lin(college of engineer engineering; pla university of science and technology; nanjing 210007; china)
Study on Calculation of Thrust for Culvert Box Pushed Within Pipe-Roof in Soft Soil Layer
gu cui-lian; xia cai-chu; li xiang-yang; you guang-ming(department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china)
Research of Risks and Countermeasures on Project of Metro Beneath the Railway
tian hai-bo; song tian-tian(key laboratory of road and traffic engineering; ministry of education; shanghai 200092; p.r.china)
Comparison Analysis of the Location Scheme of Power House Surrounded by Complex Geological Structure
zeng jing1; sheng qian1; tang jing-chang2(1.institute of rock and soil mechanics; the chinese academy of science; wuhan 430071; p.r.china; 2.guangxi electric power industry investigation design and research institute; nanning 530023; p.r.china)
Experimental Study on Nonlinear Strength Deformation Characteristic of Expansive Mudstone
li hang-zhou1; liao hong-jian1; 2(1.department of civil engineering; xi an jiaotong university; xi an 710049; p.r.china; 2.institute of rock and soil mechanics; the chinese academy of science; wuhan 430071; p.r.china)
Analysis on the Current Status of Metro Operating Tunnel Damage in Soft Ground and Its Causes
ye yao-dong1; 2; zhu he-hua1; wang ru-lu2(1.tongji university; shanghai 200092; china; 2.shanghai metro operation co.; ltd 200031; china)
The Affect on the Subway System from the Piston Action Wind
wang li-hui; wu xi-ping(ventilating; air-condition and gas research institute; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china)
Simulation of Reinforced Concrete Frame Pushover Test Based on the Object-oriented Programming Method
zhou yu-shi; jia xin; yuan yong(civil engineering college; tongji university; shanghai 200092; p.r.china)
A Demonstration Example about Underground Construction Influence on Flood Prevention in Shanghai
yan fei; wu xian-chen; jiang li-jian; chen ying(shanghai municipal engineering design institute; shanghai 200092; p.r.china)
Calculation Analysis of Secondary Lining Crack in Wushaoling Tunnel Ridge
xiao tong-gang; gong yao(department of geotechenical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092; china)
Experimental Research on Mechanical Property of Tunnel Lining Concrete after High Temperature Effect
yao jian1; zhu he-hua1; yan zhi-guo1; zeng ling-jun1(1.department of geotechnical engineering; tongji university; shanghai 200092 p.r.china)